Chapter 40 - Revenge's crew discussion

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[I'm here to drop a short? chapter]

The sun sets below the horizon, warmth leaves the surface and chilly night envelops the island.

After a long day of hard work, the fatigue Revenge crew are taking a rest. Some take a nap, some eat, and some gather into groups. There's this one particular group that is in heated discussion.

"Couldn't believe me two eyes...the combatant dragged the pretty seeress into the wilderness!" A witness reports an unbelievable scene to his mates.

Oh and Ah sound echo around the group.

"Ye be surprised, she came back in one piece." He continues.

"The devil couldn't lay a hand on her cause she's a powerful seer." Another man comments.

The others quickly shoo at the speaker. "Ye be quiet, he might be lurkin' here." They're scanning the area and are relieved when they don't see the devil.

"What was cap'n doin'? Why he let his girl be draggin' around?" Another pirate asks in a gravelly tone.

"What ye sayin'!? She with our master gunner Mingi!" A man, apparently a gunner mate, roars in protest.

"Surgeon Yeosang also close with her." Said a patient who was recently dismissed from sickbay. Whenever Yeosang comes back from seeing the girl, he always has a smile on his face.

"Nah, it's boatswain Jongho. She saved him once." Said a carpenter mate who works under Jongho.

"But navigator Yunho also looks after her." Said a helmsman. He often listens to Yunho talking about the girl.

"What 'bout quartermaster Seonghwa?"

Everybody quieted down, finding who was the one that spoke that sentence.

"How could ye forget first mate Wooyoung." At the name of Wooyoung the crew all have sour expressions. Because he always snatched girls away from them.

"He comes after Miss Aurora though."

A man scoffs bitterly, "Ye know how he is. He gotta have both."

"No! Leave Miss Aurora out of this mess. She be me goddess." One man passionately protests and the others nod in agreement.

As Aurora helped the cook serving food, she became their goddess who lightened up their day. The crew have a sickly in love smile display on their faces.

"Then Miss Seeress be with who?" A new voice asks which belongs to no other than the sassiest cabin boy, Jack.

"Lad, why don't ye find out."

Jack points at himself and the other nods.


Ateez invited Aurora and me to dinner. I'm excited to see them since it's been a while to see some members. At the same time I'm also nervous to see them. Although some of them are friendly , some still appear intimidating.

The dinner takes place inside a large outdoor tent. We sit at a large table, waiting for food to be served.

The atmosphere fills with uncomfortable silence as no one speaks. I peer around the table, noticing how try they look. My eyes meet with a person sitting at the opposite side whose twinkle eyes gaze at me intently. Hongjoong lips spread into a grin, he lift up his wine glass and sips casually. I quickly avert my glance from him. My heart picks up its pace as I remember the last conversation with him, he misunderstood that I was his future lover. Judging from the way he looks at me, does he still have the wrong notion? Oh no, that was so embarrassing, I can drown in my own tears of mortification.

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