Chapter 43 - Shadow

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Another long chapter ^^

Afternoon supposed to be the hottest time of the day, however, the temperature inside the quarter tent has dropped significantly due to the presence of the devil duo; the notorious pirate king and his cold-blooded quartermaster.

A dull sound of finger tapping on a wooden table ticking like a time bomb belongs to the wrathful captain. He listens to Seonghwa's report whilst his grin widens over time. But don't mistake it as him being happy, it's the grin that the victims last saw before the devil took their souls.

His burning gaze sweeps through the 4 wrongdoers. San, Mingi, Wooyoung, and I stand in a line in front of Hongjoong's desk, waiting for final judgement and leave the world for good.

"Seonghwa, your punishment was too weak. They have the guts to break the rule twice." Hongjoong leans toward Seonghwa who standing beside his desk.

"Sorry, captain. I'll give them severe punishment to make sure that they won't do it for the 3rd time." Seonghwa clenches his jaw, glaring at us in the corner of his eyes.

But Hongjoong waves his hand to dismiss Seonghwa. He nods and steps aside. Hongjoong turns to us. "Why did you lot fight in the woods?"

No one answered him, neither met his eyes.

"I don't raise a coward here. Speak!" Hongjoong slaps the table, making us flinch at once. When nobody replies, he gets up from the chair and advances toward the tallest guy. "Mingi, who did you shoot at?"

Mingi's body jerks in surprise, he doesn't expect that he'd die first. "I..." He glances at Wooyoung but doesn't say the name as he lowers his head down.

Hongjoong follows Mingi eyesight, he shifts toward Wooyoung. "Did you provoke Mingi?"

The daring first mate now also stares at his shoe.

"Or San?" Hongjoong eyes the expressionless combatant. He doesn't acknowledge Hongjoong as he directs his unfocused gaze somewhere else.

"Not answer me? Very well." Hongjoong scoffs at their reaction. He walks back to his desk, tuning around. "Bring out your weapons." Hongjoong's order makes the trio snap their heads toward him in alarm.

"You guys want to kill each other then go ahead. I allow you." He grins, folding his arms.

No one moves a single muscle but they exchange stare among themselves.

"Captain, we didn't want to fight anymore." Wooyoung is the first one to speak up.

Hongjoong chuckles darkly. "Don't want to fight anymore?" He repeats Wooyoung's sentence as his eyes glow darker. "If I don't see bloodshed here, no one will leave the tent."

Wooyoung and Mingi fidget nervously, even San has slight frown.

"I'm waiting." Hongjoong stormy rage doesn't subside an ounce while the guys get paler.

Every second passes like an eternity. The suffocative silence makes it hard to breath. I cast a nervous glimpse at the trio, hoping they won't follow Hongjoong's insane order.

I peer at Hongjoong and regret it when our eyes meet. Those hazel orbs observe me. He slowly walks toward me as I quickly duck my head down.

I bite my lip, wailing inside. It's my turn to die.

I see his boots get into my view. A familiar hot breath fan into my forehead.

"Miss Star," Just a sound of my name, my legs lost strength. But 2 strong hands grab on my shoulder before I fall to the ground.

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