Chapter 3 - The seer

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"I know where the map is!" I shout my lungs out, making Hongjoong stop in his tracks. He turns back to me. The pirate who's carrying me also stops dragging me.

"I know where the map is." I repeat while prying off the iron grip of the scary man. But the man just won't let go. Seonghwa waves his hand and the man lets go of me.
I walk calmly toward Hongjoong, but Seonghwa blocks my way with his arm.

Both Hongjoong and Seonghwa have their brows furrow while looking at me.

"Miss, don't lie-"

"I didn't lie," I cut off Seonghwa, "I know where the map to Wonderland is." I confidently speak, staring at both of them.

Surprises flash in their eyes but they quickly cover it.

"And who are you? How do you know about the Wonderland map?" Hongjoong walks and stops in front of me. He looks dead serious.

Well, I'm the reader of course I know where it is.

"I'm someone who knows a lot. And trust me I know where it is." My expression also turns serious. If they don't believe me, I might end up as fish food.

"How could we trust you?" Seonghwa mocks me, "And how could we be sure you're not someone's spy?"

I sigh, looking between 2 (gorgeous) men. How am I going to explain to them without sounding suspicious? If I directly tell them that the world they're living in is just a fiction, they wouldn't hesitate to throw me off the ship. And that's the last thing I want to happen.

"You guys don't have much time right?" I start speaking after making up my mind.

This could be a risky move but I have no other choice. I'm going to use their pain point for my benefit. 

"Only 3 full moons- no wait it's 2 full moon cycles now because tonight is the first full moon."
I speak while looking up at the bright full moon on a dark night sky,

The ship suddenly turns dead silent.

Everyone's expression went into shock, including the ruthless pair of captain and quartermaster.

I guess I've hit the bull's eyes.

"How do you know?" Recovering from the surprise, Hongjoong says through grit teeth. He leans his face close to me. I almost stop breathing at the sudden closeness. 

"Tell me everything. How do you know all of this?" Our face are so close that I notice his hazel eyes have murder intent.

I gulp my saliva. Why are pirate Ateez so terrifying?

I begin thinking of the story, the whole journey is about Ateez looking for Wonderland map in order to lift a curse. The curse that would turn them into sea monsters within 3 full moon cycles.

It's not a surprise why they all look so shocked because no one knows about this secret.

Tonight is the first full moon. They're getting relentless because they earn nothing after 1 month.

All eyes on the ship are focusing on me.

If I make a step wrong, I'd surely be dead in the next second.

"Because I am.." what to say!? I still can't find the right word to explain.

"You what?" The man presses me.

"I am... a seer... I can see the future." I eventually say it. Mentally facepalm at my own choice of word.

Hongjoong eyes went wide while the other crews have their mouth hanging open.

A second pass his expression turns back to normal with a usual grin.

"You, a seer." He chuckles. Once the crews hear their captain laugh, they all join in.

My face flush in embarrassment.
A seer, who is gonna believe you? Way to go. I curse at my stupid mouth.
Now I regret not jumping into the water.

"It's fine that you don't believe me. You can chase after the god-knows-where map yourself and turn into sea monsters or you can believe me and lift the curse." I smile sweetly at all of them. "It's your choice."

The laughter dies down, the whole ship turns silent again.

Hongjoong grin falters, glaring at me intensely and I gladly return him the glare.

No, actually I'm about to melt to the ground.

"Captain" A voice speaks up among the crowd.

"Maybe she speaks the truth. My father once told me that there are seers who can see the future." The voice owner reveals himself next to Hongjoong and his presence makes me gasp loudly.

It's Yunho!

He's so tall and built. His face is as adorable as ever.

I'm having a fangirling ceremony inside my head again.

He's smiling politely at me and turns to look at his captain.

Now I'm wondering where the other members are. They're probably standing among the crowd.

"Are you saying we should trust her?" Hongjoong asks Yunho doubtfully.

"Yup, you should believe Yunho". I speak and hear people suck in deep breathes around me. Even Hongjoon can't hide it. His expression is funny. I wanna laugh.

"Wow, you know my name." Yuho says in awe and smiles like a big puppy.

"I told you I'm a seer." I beam at Yunho, earning a bashful reaction from him.

Aww he's so cute.

Once I step on this ship, every second is like a roller coaster. Meeting Ateez is delightful but the fact that I'm in deep trouble is killing the joy.

"This is ridiculous." I hear Hongjoong mumbles under his breath. Seems like he can't believe the fact that a seer appears on his ship.

Hongjoong who is contemplating in his mind, crane his neck to look at his quartermaster who's standing beside him.

He also sees Seonghwa in a deep thought. The two lock eyes. There's no conversation exchanged between them but they could understand each other.

"And why are you on our ship?" The quartermaster turns to look at me and asks.

"Well, you see," I nod toward the sinking ships, "I need to survive."

His eyes trail to watch at the wrecked ships far away.

"And I'm here to help you." I add, trying to appear as genuine as possible.

As a minor character that is supposed to die in the first chapter, I must do anything in order to survive. And now I'm going to cling on our main protagonists and help them achieve the goal.

Also I need to save all the members for the misfortune that is going to happen in this fiction; the ending that I just read before transmigrating into fiction. Thinking about the scene makes my heartache. 

The duo's expressions show disbelief. So I say again "I'm destined to be on this ship, to help you achieve what you want, captain- I mean Pirate King."

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