Chapter 6 - Problematic 'Y/N'

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After the prophecy incident, the crews suddenly change their attitude toward me.

For example, Wooyoung who's walking in front of me. He stops giving me glare and starts asking me tons of questions like a 5 years old child.

"So you really are the seer? You can see the future and...can you see mine as well?" He keeps blabbing while taking 'Y/N' and me to find new clothes as the dresses we're wearing are now damp and stink.

"Uh...I can see some future events...stuff like that." Yea, I keep lying. But could he stop asking before I accidentally reveal myself?

"Cool," He mumbles and continues talking about the crew's reaction blah blah blah.

Apart from playboy characteristics, the author-nim must've added too much talkative side to his character.

'Y/N' the female lead who's walking beside me keeps quiet the whole time. Her beautiful face yet again shows uneasiness. She doesn't expect the pirates to be friendly all of the sudden.
Pirates are untrustworthy. She has always been taught since young.

I also don't trust that my life is 100% safe judging from the captain's reaction.

My mind drifts to the moment I spoke to Hongjoong, he was taken aback when I asked him the question, Shall we go get the map, captain?

Well it's not even a question but Hongjoong furrowed his brows in deep thought.
Then he ordered Wooyoung to take care of us and left with Seonghwa and Yunho.

Is he still doubting me? I can't tell. But they didn't look hostile anymore.

Wooyoung abruptly stops in front of a room and he turns to face us. "Inside, there're clothes, just pick any of them."

I nod as I make my way inside the room but 'Y/N' doesn't follow me.

"I won't wear anything belonging to your kind." She speaks firmly in contrast to her current state. Her pink dress is now wrinkle and dirty while her curly hair tangles into knots. And I'm not in better shape than her, or maybe worse.

Wooyoung chuckles at the girl's remark, "Our kind? And what kind is that?" He asks the girl challengingly. Before she was able to make a retort, I cut their conversation.

"I'm hungry." I speak to Wooyoung, "How about we eat first and change later?" I smile sheepishly at him and 'Y/N'. But I actually growling inside.  I feel mentally exhausted right now. I don't want to deal with anymore crap.

They both look like they are about to start a fight any second.

"Fine." Wooyoung answers curtly and turns around to lead the way.

I sigh internally as I look at the girl beside me. She doesn't meet my eyes.

Her gorgeous face twists in distaste looking at Wooyoung's back.

I acknowledge her hate for them is the part of the story but she's trying to get us in trouble again. I just freaking escaped death 3 times already and I can't risk my fragile life anymore.

Frustrate, I follow Wooyoung.

Walking for a short while, we reach the kitchen.

There's no one in sight except a man who I guess is a cook.

"Aye mate, cook something for them." Wooyoung says to a muscular cooker. The man just nods and starts preparing food for us.

Before I sit on one of the chairs, Wooyoung grabs my wrist and pulls me outside.

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