Chapter 66 - Shot

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[Trigger warning: Violent, blood, gore]

"Why didn't you see Star off?"

The surgeon leans against the long table where the purple haired first mate bore his eyes into a pile of maps spreading all over the table.

"I'm busy." Wooyoung replied brusquely without sparing his friend a glance.

Yeosang rolls his eyes upon hearing the lame excuse. After Starry left with his stubborn sister, Jongho separated way to continue his work while Yeosang stomped toward the captain's quarter where Wooyoung had been hiding since this morning. Although it's true that Wooyoung is busy because of the workload from captain, he could have spared a moment to see the girl off.

Thus the real answer is Yeojin.

"I thought we were clear yesterday. Did my long rant never enter your brain at all? We misunderstood her. But I know her reason didn't justify her action so we were all at fault here." Yeosang pauses as guilt pierce through him like thousand needles stab into his heart. He's such a terrible brother. He failed to look after his younger sister. He was being stupid for believing that by joining the strongest pirate band would ensure their safety in this sinful city. But the result was the opposite.

"You agreed to talk it out with her, yet, look at you. Hiding from your problem like a coward." Yeosang continued. His sharp tone sounds bitter than his masterpiece medicine, green terror.

Wooyoung's hands curl into fist, he tears his gaze from the maps to glare at Yeosang. "I never agreed to anything. She has nothing to do with me since the day she left us. So don't ever mention her in front of me again." After he sneers at his friend, he reaches to grab a half empty wine bottle that belongs to the tiny captain. But Yeosang grabs his wrist before he's able to drink it.

"She's our family." Yeosang tries his best to subdue emotions that range from the pit of his stomach.

"Yours not mine" Wooyoung retorts and snatches his arm back to his side.

"You promised mom that you'd protect her, protect our family!" Because of Wooyoung's remark, the surgeon unconsciously brought Mom's final word into the argument. And he regrets it immediately.

Wooyoung is taken aback, his face instantly twists in anger. "Don't bring mom into our conversation!" He snaps back. Hard grip squeeze at the bottle as if he'd crush it with bear hand.

Yeosang falters and looks away, ashamed of his behavior. Yeosang knows better not to tap on Wooyoung's sensitive spot because the guy looked up to his parents like his own. Their death was a great blow to them, especially Wooyoung who lost his parents twice. His real parents were pirates and killed by the Royal Navy and his foster father also died by the hand of them. Hence Wooyoung joined Revenge crew to avenge their murders without telling Yeojin the truth.

"I won't break my promise. I vowed to protect you and her with my life." Wooyoung's voice lowers into a whisper. He's surprisingly the first one to yield. "Give me time Yeosang, I can't face her right now."

Yeosang nods. He's familiar with Wooyoung's temperament. He's easy to provoke and take a long time to recover from anger. Hopefully he'll be able to forgive Yeojin and himself soon.

Both of them quietly peer at each other from the corner of their eyes, hesitate to utter the word sorry.

The moment of silence disappears when the door slam opens, Mingi bursts inside the room with heavy panting. "Where's my Shooting Star? Don't tell me she's gone! Ah hell! I was too late!" He curses and kicks the door shut. "Why did captain have to order me to do this and that when Star is leaving? He always gives me that spooky look whenever I hang out with her. For fuck's sake, she doesn't belong to him anyway!"

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