Chapter 78 - Sacrifice

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[Trigger warning - blood, violent, panic attack, this chapter contains so much intensity that...well just be prepared]


Yeosang carries me out of the quarter room with Wooyoung, Aurora and Yeojin trailing behind. They are jumping up and down in excitement. The first mate can't stop laughing in his dolphin voice, he blabbers about the things he wants to do after breaking the curse. Yeojin joins him, saying she'll follow him everywhere he goes, and her remark causes them to bicker nonstop. Aurora giggles at them on the side and also chimes into the conversation, saying she'll wish for her parents to return.

While listening to their wishes, I peer at Yeosang expecting the same enthusiasm from him, yet a frown appears between his eyebrows and he seems to lose in his thoughts. Noticing that my stare, his gaze falls on me, his expression becomes bright with a smile blossoming on his lips. "Hang in there. We're almost reached Wonderland. You'll be fine."

I nod as a reply. Then I notice his stare linger on my lips. Startling from the memory, we both immediately whip our heads in different ways. Yeosang turns slightly rigid, looking straight forward and accelerating his pace, a frown reappears on his face. "Please forgive me for what I did earlier. I- I didn't know what got into me." He stammers nervously.

My face flares from fever and mortification. I blink rapidly, believing that the devil who possessed Yeosang is gone. This shy version of Yeosang makes me feel like I was the one who forced him to kiss me instead.

I wish I could tell him to not worry about the kiss because I understand that he didn't have bad intentions, but my throat isn't cooperating. So we end up in awkward silence with the trio's chatter in the background.

As we approach the deck, the cheering noise of the crew from the deck grows louder, making my blood pumping. My hands become clammy. Whether it is fear or anticipation, I can't tell at this point.

Soon we arrive at the open. My heart pounds loudly in my chest as I scan the surroundings. The main deck is lit up by torches. The atmosphere is uplifted in contrast to the depressing farewell party a few hours ago. The half monster crews are celebrating and hugging one another. Tears of joy and smiles visible on their faces.

Then something from ahead of the ship catches my eyes.

A purple light at a size of a tennis ball hangs low in the middle of the midnight blue sky. Its bright rays of light shine upon an island land below. The whole island is illuminated above the ink black sea, appearing like an ethereal painting. By just staring at it, I sense electricity running through my veins.

It's the real Wonderland.

My tears threaten to come out. The feelings are so overwhelming that I let out a soft whimper. I accomplished my arduous task to rescue Ateez. From lying about being a seer into becoming a heroine, I made it.

And it's time to go home.

A sense of loneliness rushes through me as I'm thinking of my empty apartment. It's only been 2 months but I've grown so attached to this place. I can't imagine myself returning to my old life. My eyes avert to the happy people around me and the emptiness only grows larger in my chest.

But no matter what, I don't belong here. I can't stay in Alice's body since her body is dying. People here will continue living their lives and so do I.

I swallow the truth and crane my neck to see the moon above. Luckily, it hasn't turned completely red, only a half of it has dyed red. I breathe out a long sigh. Although I feel relieved since my soul won't be stuck in the dark dimension for eternity, the back of my mind doesn't feel at peace.

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