Chapter 28 - Seakeeper

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The next day the surgeon prevented me from walking around the ship and I had to suffocate in my tiny room. It was a good thing that Aurora came to visit me. The day passed by slowly and boringly. When the time reached late afternoon, I asked Aurora to go outside to get some fresh air before I evaporated into thin air. She agreed. But I actually have an ulterior motive.

Since last night's investigation plan of Seakeeper failed, I plan to explore again today. But my hunch sensing that author-nim unlikely possesses the figurehead. Because if she did, she probably died from a cannonball blown in her face. And that would be too tragic.

Based on my assumption, the name Seakeeper may associate in some way with the real author-nim. Therefore, I'll be conducting an one on one interview with the crews.

I want to go ask Ateez but they are all occupied with their tasks so I kill the time by asking the other crews.

Aurora and I situate ourselves at the mainmast. When I begin calling a passerby, she's confused at my behavior but I tell her it's for bonding time.

"Hey, brother, you got a second." I shout at a crew who climbed down from rigging. He looks left and right and then points at himself. "Yes, you brother, come here." The man scratches his head perplexingly but is still walking toward me.

"I have a question to ask you. Do you know a story about the Seakeeper?" I get right to the point.

And the interview session went like this for a while until Aurora excused herself into her room as she couldn't tolerate the glances staring her way. But I didn't want to go inside my room yet so I continued annoying the crew.

Crew A: "You want to know the history of our Seakeeper? You ask the wrong person, I just joined the ship not long ago."

Crew B: "Seakeeper? Our figurehead has a history?"
Star: "..."

Crew C (Apparently a carpenter mate): Me and ma lads craved the figurehead ourselves, she's ma masterpiece. Ye see, I carved her forehead... blah blah blah...
Star: "..." (apparently doesn't want to know how the figurehead was made.)

Crew D: "..."
Star: "Let me repeat my question, do you know anything about your figurehead?"
Crew D: "..."
Star: *Intentionally flash him San's dagger that hanging on my belt*
Crew D: " made of wood."

I spent the entire late afternoon getting nothing. The crews are either clueless about their figurehead or refuse to talk to me. For the latter group I had to (threaten) show them San's dagger and they would answer me. The only useful information I got is that San intimidates the whole crew because they are even afraid of his dagger.

The sky has turned orange and I decide to go back to my room. Seeing a shadow cast down from behind me, I turn around and raise my head to look at the tall man.

"Aye, shooting Star, what're you doing here?" The fiery red haired gunner master greets me with my new pet name.

"Hey, Mingi. I was just bored in my room so I'm here to take a breath." I answered him.

Mingi nods. "I heard you ask people about our Seakeeper."

Crap, I think I overdone it. "Yeah, I was curious."

"You can just come and ask me, I know everything about this ship." Mingi proudly says.

Right, why did I not think about Mingi's specialty? He's the most talkative person and literally knows everything about the ship.

"But I'm kinda busy now. If you have time tonight. I'll tell you. " He adds.

"Sure." I agree.


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