Chapter 12 - First escape attempt

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After San creepy remarked 'I'm watching you', I slid down onto the floor.

Now, I regret using to tweet 'I could die for you' on Ateez posts. I don't wanna die in the hand of pirate Ateez. Is this karma of my past sin for commenting thirsty tweets?

"What does he want?" Aurora asks me, she looks terrified at the scene.

"I have no idea." I really have no idea why he suddenly chased after me and why he said he's watching me.

Is it because of the conversation among the rebellious group? But if that is the reason, he should confront his crew, not me. Then what's the reason!!

Ughhh! Feeling my sanity slipping away, I tug on my hair like a mad woman.

Aurora sees me have gone into crazy mode, she sits back on to her bed, staring warily at me.

I ignore her glance and slowly crawl to the unoccupied bed.

I'm so exhausted from thinking about anything. It's been a long day.

And my brain begin to shut down at





"You made our honored guest scared shitless." The purple-haired first mate says to the combatant when he returns from the guest's cabin.

He saw everything. When Star started running away from the forecastle to her cabin. He didn't intervene because it was entertaining. And he didn't want to upset San cause he still loves his life, actually no one who loves their lives dares to offend him.

But he speaks out this time because Star may be the one that can help them lift the curse.

He might not be the smartest person on the ship but he can feel her sincerity. Still, he's not believing her 100%. His past experience tells him to be cautious.

The combatant remains quiet but Wooyoung is already used to his silence treatment.

"I know Soenghwa ordered you to keep an eye on her but did you have to go overboard?"

Of course, San doesn't answer him. He only flashes his devilish smirk and brushes past him while padding his shoulder.

Wooyoung can only shake his head. He guesses he needs to be a babysitter for a while longer.


I jolt awake as I hear a girl screaming.

The moonlight travels through the porthole allowing me to see that I'm still in the ship's cabin.

My brows furrow when I hear another scream. There're only 2 women on the ship; Aurora and me.

My head abruptly snap toward her bed.

It's empty!

Don't tell me those were Aurora's scream.

Panic surge through my body.

The door suddenly opens with a loud bang making me jump into sitting position.

A man holding a lamp enters my room, he takes big steps inside and stops in front of me.

A sigh of relief escapes Wooyoung when he sees me inside the room.

"Wha-" I haven't finished my word but he instantly grabs my arm and pulls me out of the room.

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