Ending II - The Angel part I

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The forestry smell hits my nose as soon as I open the door of the sick bay. I peek my head into the dim room to see the surgeon sitting alone at his work table. A single lamp inside the room illuminates his frame creating a halo around his body. Sometimes I mistook him as an angel for real.

"What took you so long?" Yeosang asks without raising his head. His hands continue to grind the herbs in a tiny mixing bowl.

"I was having a predicament." I answer and head to sit on a stool next to him, peering at various herbs that I can't identify occupying his deck.

Yeosang looks up, his mouth ajar when he sees me instead of his sister. "Starry?"

"Yup, Yeojin is drunk so I volunteer to help you." I shrug my shoulders. Truthfully, before I came here, Yeojin went to god-knows-where with Wooyoung. But I chose not to mention them to Yeosang as he seems to be against the idea of them returning back together.

Yeosang only shakes his head and sighs.

"What can I help?" I ask him, scanning his table. There're several concoction that he's working on. But to me, they all look like green terror.

"Here." He passes me the mixing bowl. I help him grind the herbs while he proceeds to mix the liquid into a jar. I notice dozens of closed lid jars that he had filled them arranged on another table.

Yeosang has been locking himself inside the sickbay the whole day, working on his invention. He plans to distribute medicine for the villagers tomorrow's morning. After he witnessed their living conditions, he became concerned about their lack of medication and decided to give out the medicine for free.

Yeosang is truly an angel.

The room engulfs in silence while thunder rumbling from outside. The storm is surely coming tonight.

I stare at Yeosang who's busily mixing the medicine. A tiny frown appears between his eyebrows, dark circles visible under his eyes because of lack of sleep. He won't get anything in return by doing this. Yet, he's putting his soul into it. Just like he used to tell me. He loved me but he didn't want anything in return.

No matter how selfless he is, I hate to see him suffering alone. I wish his whatever desire will come true. I want him to finally be happy.

I accidentally sigh out loud and catches Yeosang's attention. He places the jar down and turns to me.

"Are you bored?" His innocent gaze falls upon me. "You can leave. I know this is such a boring task."

"No, I'll help you until you finish." I peer at another set of dozens empty jars and grimace. He probably has to stay up all night if no one helps him.

"Thanks, Starry. You're so nice unlike my own blood related sister." A tired smile appears on his lips. I chuckle dryly in return. If he knows what his sister is planning, I wonder what his reaction will be.

When Yeojin pulled a prank like this in the past, she oftens got scolded by him. Because he is always considerate of my feelings and doesn't want me to feel a burden. And this time, I obviously know that it's Yeojin's plan, but why did I choose to come here?

My feelings toward Yeosang isn't romantic or passionate like lovers. Even though we remain as friends, we share a very special connection. Our relationship is hard to define. I feel calm and safe being with him like I found my home, and I'm able to share my honest thoughts with him. I just know that I had to be here–to be beside him.

I breath out loud again. Yeosang cranes his neck to me with a slight concern. "Something wrong?"

I shake my head. He always notices my slightest discomfort and asks me with a concerned expression, but he never forces an answer out of me and waits until I tell him. However, this time it's different since my worries involve him.

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