Chapter 23 - Faint

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The female lead really has the audacity to trick me. I grit on my teeth and quickly run outside of the room.

If my left foot has a mouth, it probably cusses me out until my ears bleed.

I emerge into the clearing on the main deck and see Aurora stop dead in her tracks, staring fearfully ahead.

I follow her eyesight and almost vomit my breakfast.

The floor has turned dark red from spilled blood. Lifeless bodies sprawled across the board. I wish there was a mosaic censor covering the scene.

Iron smell reaches my nose and I have to cover my nose, trying not to gag.

Making a mental note, once I go back to my real world, I need to DM the author to rate this fiction to PG-18.

Tearing my gaze away, I see a large group of pirates sitting on their knees while Ateez's crew are surrounding them.

Hongjoong stands in the front of the crowd. His back facing me but enough for me to feel intimidated.

"Old seadog, long time no see." Hongjoong greets the captive pirates casually but anyone can detect mockery in his tone. "Didn't know you love to roleplay as Royal navy." Although I can't see his face, I can imagine his taunting smile.

The man that he called 'Old seadog' spat his saliva mix with blood to the ground but he can't hide fear that shows in his eyes. "Hongjoong, don't act too cocky, your pirate king title came to an end."

Hongjoong laughs, "Oh really? Captain Silver then advice me what should I do? Roleplay as Royal navy?" He jeers at the enemy captain. Ateez crew holler in mocking laughter.

"Keep laughing before you lot won't even have time to breathe again." Captain Silver hatefully says through clench jaws.

"You should be worried about yourself first Captain Silver. You're the first one to lose your breath." Seongwha steps forward, placing his cutlass on the man's throat. "Now tell me why you foolishly attacked us."

Captain Silver only laughs at Seonghwa's question but he abruptly stops when the cutlass cut into his flesh.

"Answer me." Seonghwa lowers his voice.

Gosh he's so scary. Now I know he's at mercy when he interrogated me. I won't argue with him again.

Captain Silver snorts, "Keep being arrogant, You will eventually fall down from your delusion throne. The other pirates are coming after you."

"Why? Do they also have a death wish?"

Captain Silver scoffs at Seonghwa, "We have the same goal. To crush you under our feet." He laughs maniacally and his captive crew also follow.

"And this is how you crush us. Why don't you see how we crush you instead?" Seonghwa raises his cutlass to strike the man. But captain Silver shouts, making Seonghwa halt his action.

"Stop!! If you want to know why the other pirates are band against you!"

Seonghwa exchanges glances with Hongjoong.

Hongjoong saunters forward. "Speak."

"We want a map in your possession. The map that can lead us to our indefinite treasure. The place where all of our wishes come true."

The Wonderland map.

They want the Wonderland map. The news of Ateez getting a hold of Wonderland map leaked among pirates so they're after us. Captain Silver is the first group that clashes with Ateez. More are to come.

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