Chapter 54 - Competition

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Screaming on top of his lungs, Wooyoung helplessly watches Star fall into the raging ocean.

His lips are quivering, not from the chilly rain, but the cold reality that thunder across his consciousness. Those who fall out of the ship during storms are forever gone.

He just lost his friend. He lost her in a flick of an eye. If he'd climbed down faster, she wouldn't...

Dismissing all those horrible thoughts away, his grips loosen, before he lets go of the shroud, another figure leaps into the water where Star has fallen into.

Even with a blurred vision, he recognized his mate. If it's that guy, she'll be safe. Wooyoung affirms himself.

Wooyoung rapidly climbs down. The longer he stays up here, the higher chance he'll fall down to his death. Harsh wind almost rips the sails and tangles rigging. The masts dangerously creak as if they will snap any minute.

As soon as Wooyoung steps onto the deck, he meets with the chaos. Giant waves crash onto the ship causing unfortunate crews to lose their footing and roll on the floor. Wooyoung stumbles to the ground but swiftly rises to his feet. He ties a rope around his waist. Then he grabs whoever is near him to relay the bad news to captain.

"Batten down the hatches!" From the distance he hears Hongjoong barking a series of orders.

The crews hurriedly carry out the command. Some stow the sails. Some gunners secure cannons before they roll around and crush men to death. All of them are occupied to maintain the ship. Still, they aren't able to win against mother nature as the ship tilts to the side dangerously. The continuous waves quickly fill the ship with water.

The only way to survive the storm is to out sail it, however, they can't leave Star and San here.

Wooyoung curses, eyeing at the vicious sea. What will captain do?


Someone shouts his name through the storm. He turns around and spots Jongho staggering toward him.

"Star!! She..." The boatswain's eyes are wide with shock. On the forecastle he witnessed her fall. He immediately ordered his subordinates to cover for him as he grabbed the rope tied with a plank and ran toward Wooyoung.

"Fuck!" Wooyoung drops his head low and kicks his leg against the rail.

"She'll make it!" Jongho squeezes on Wooyoung's shoulder and stares into the wrathful sea. He knows wholeheartedly that it was a lie. He had lost many subordinates to the tides.

"Where is she?!!"

Not long after, a furious growl belonging to the pirate king pierce their ears. He charges toward Wooyoung and Jongho. His dark expression can rival the stormy sea.

Wooyoung points where Star and San disappeared into. Hongjoong follows the sight, his fists visibly shaking.

"Lower the anchor!" Hongjoong shouts toward the boatswain.

"It was done sir!" Jongho answered. He had already ordered the crew beforehand, knowing that captain would rescue his lover no matter what.

However, the anchor doesn't reach the seabed as they're in high sea, the furious waves slam into the hull causing the ship to drift away from the spot where Star disappeared.

Hongjoong nods and glares into the pitch black water. He climbs over the rail, however, his crew immediately stops him from jumping.

"Captain!!" They yell and yank Hongjoong down.

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