Chapter 67 - Rescue

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Horrifying sound reverberates throughout the dark forest as my rescuer begins fighting against the kidnappers. Men screaming, gunshot ringing, the sound of tearing flesh and bones. Smells of intense iron from blood that permeate the night air.

Leaning against a tree, I squeeze my eyes shut and cover my nose and mouth from gagging over the smell of blood. For some reason, my condition seems to get worse as time passes by. My skull keeps pounding like someone plays drums in my brain, my throat dries like sandpaper, my body shivers as if having a fever.

What's wrong with me?

After several torturing minutes passed, the noise died down. I remain seated on the grass floor. Until I hear an approaching footsteps, my heartbeat quickens up. Opening my eyes, I see a blur figure crouching down in front of me. Faint moonlight travels through the dense leaves from above, allowing me to see a glimpse of his complexion.

"Star." The warm and soothing voice envelopes my shivering body. A lump forms in my throat as I stare at his disheveled state that used to be the fearsome pirate king.

"You're hurt because of me. I'm the one that brought you into my hellish world. I'm sorry." Hongjoong reaches out his hand toward my cheek, but halts his action as he notices sticky blood on all over his hand and body.

Yet, I don't care. I lunge forward and engulf him in a tight hug. We both lost balance and fall on the ground with me on top of him. He lets out a surprise gasp, both of his arms don't hesitate to secure around my waist. I rest my forehead on his shoulder and allow tears to outburst like a broken dam.

"Those men were all gone. You don't need to be scared anymore." He reassures me, patting my back gently.

Wrong. I wasn't scared for myself but him, the guys and Yeojin's safety.

Hongjoong lets me hug him for a moment then he sighs. "As much as I like it, I have to quickly get back to the Revenge. We can continue this in my quarter, what do you think?"

When I sense the way his tone changed, I lift up my head to see his mischievous smile.

Blood rushes to my face once I realize my mistake. I hurriedly get off him and groan painfully as the bruise on my stomach suddenly aches from my abrupt movement.

Hongjoong immediately gets up and holds my shoulder, scanning my body with concern. "Where does it hurt?"

Before I answer him, a feminine voice interrupts me. "Well, captain mullet, I think she's scared of y'all. You hacked off those thugs like wood."

I crane my neck to see a female figure walking toward us.

"Yeojin!" Relieve flood over me when I see that the girl is safe. I slowly stand on my feet with Hongjoong help.

Yeojin stops in front of me and crosses her arm. "Yeah, yeah. I'm alive. You don't need to look so surprised."

Even though her attitude is foul, I drive into hugging her. She yelps in surprise. It takes a moment for her to return my hug. She pats my back several times and pulls away. "Well princess, it seems like luck is on your side though you ran like a turtle. You must be so glad that your prince, ugh no, your pirate came to rescue you. But to tackle him down to the ground in the middle of the forest? Seriously?" Her voice is full of judgment that I feel blood rushing back to my face.

"Well Miss Yeojin, I'm also glad you're able to stay alive until this very moment. I apologize if our affection causes you to remind of your failed relationship." Hongjoong retorts in a polite manner. I turn around to glare at him for making rude comment. In the dark, I can see his pearly white teeth as he grins widely. When he meets my eyes, he abruptly pulls me back to his side and loops an arm around my waist.

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