Chapter 50 - Kiss of the devil

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San pulls me toward wherever place that is apparently not a way to my cabin. My thought starts to jumble for the possibility that he'll take me to the brig like Seonghwa mentioned.

Thankfully, he stops at a storage room. After pushing me inside, he shut the door. The room became dim as the only source of light was cut off. His figure twirls around to face me. The wooden floor creaks under his steps as he saunters toward me. It reminded me of the horror movie where a killer traps a victim and starts to slaughter them...

I instantly scurry away from him but the room is cramped with stolen goods from the Royal navy which leave me no space to distant myself from the devil.

"Why're you taking me here?" My back presses against a wall.

San doesn't respond as he stands right in front of me. A shadow cast on his face, I hardly decipher his expression.

"San?" His quietness creeps me out. Don't tell me he'll chop me into pieces and hide my body parts in the barrels.

"How was it?" He speaks in an eerily tone, lowering his head to meet my eyes.

I knit my eyebrows. How was what?

"The true color of him..." His hoarse voice echoes inside the room.

Why can't he speak in full sentences? I'm not a mind reader. However, I have an idea of who he meant. It's my turn to be speechless.

"How was it?" He repeats when I don't answer him.

I take a deep breath to calm myself down.

"That's not your concern." The true color of Hongjoong, I already learnt about his character from the book. Even though his cold gesture keeps nagging me, I can't pinpoint my feelings. 

"Answer." He says curtly.

What the heck! Did someone hit his head so he became talkative. I swear this is the longest conversation he has ever spoken to me.

Recalling the previous conversation with him, he said that I'm Hongjoong's weakness. He seems against the idea of Hongjoong and I have feelings for each other.

"If you think that I'm your captain's weakness, then he already proved you that I'm not. He didn't bat an eyelash when you were about to chop me."

San chuckles in his throat, his hand raises to caress my cheek.

"So naive."

His cold fingers make my stomach tingling so I move my head away from his hand.

His hand that hangs in the air then places on the wall next to me. He shifts closer that his body almost presses against me.

Shit, I'm trapped. I knew it! Walls are dangerous.

"What the pirate king wants, he always gets it." I stare into the bottomless pitch black eye of his, my hair in the back raising.

"But he doesn't know..." I stop breathing when our noses touch. "When the devil desires something, he also gets it."

Before my brain processes what he meant, the next thing I know is a soft flesh press on my lips. I blink rapidly at our close proximity. His cold lips stay on mine for a second before he pulls away.

It was too fast for me to comprehend what had happened. My face and body grow hot. My heart thumps so violently that it will jump out of my chest.

Perhaps it's my imagination that I see dimples on his cheeks.

"I'm not a coward."


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