Chapter 11 - Buying votes

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The red-haired male walks onto the forecastle and stops in front of Wooyoung and me.

"Aye mate" Wooyoung greets and answers Master gunner, "Showing the guest around the ship."

Mingi makes his mount into an O shape, looking at me.

I smile at him. His character is kinda one of my favorites; he's loud, bold, and the mood maker of the team.

"Oh, the seer. Where's the other one?" He's looking left and right but doesn't see the gorgeous girl.

"She didn't want to come." Wooyoung answers him blandly.

A look of disappointment flashes past the master gunner's eyes, but he shrugs off.

Is this a sign of someone having a crush?
Wow, the love story develops faster than the original one.

"You offer yourself? Or-" Mingi continues asking.
"No, the captain ordered me."
"Hmm," Mingi hum disinterestedly and turn to me.

"Miss Star, I have to inform you of something really important." He's looking left and right. After seeing the coast is clear, he puts his right arm across my shoulder and leans closer to whisper in my ear. I suddenly turn stiff, waiting in anticipation of what he's going to say.

"In the next captain election, how about you vote for me."

"Captain election?" I say, looking at him confused.

"Don't be too loud!" He whisper-yell at me, "Others might hear us. I'm not sure when we'll have an election for a new captain but I need you to vote for me and tell the other girl to vote for me too."

So he doesn't have a crush on Aurora but he wants us to vote for him??

And what with the captain election. It's not appear in the storyline. I'm so confused.

Is he planning to overthrow Hongjoong?

"Idiot, she's not even one of our crew." A new voice chime in, revealing a black-haired boy, the boatswain. He's climbing down the foremast and jumping down right in front of us.

He's sweating profusely making his creamy shirt attach to his body revealing his ripped muscle.

Ok, stop it Star. This is definitely not a time for fangirling.

I quickly avert my eyes but it's too late as Wooyoung notices my gaze, he's giving me the I-know-what-you-are-up-to smirk.

"I don't care as long as I can secure my votes." Mingi shrugs at Jongho, making the younger man roll his eyes at him.

"Don't mind him, he always does that to newcomers." Jongho speaks to me. He appears friendlier than the time we were inside the meeting.

"Why're you voting for a new captain?" I ask them. I'm so perplexed right now.

"Well, because I fit to be the captain of the Pirate's King's Revenge." Mingi says proudly.

But both Wooyoung and Jongho roll their eyes at his boldness.

Mingi notices their annoying expressions so he adds, "C'mon mates, my men reported to me that the crew aren't happy. We've been chasing after that bloody map for a whole month. The storage is running low. No booty, no food, no fine liquor, no entertainment. We broke as fuck. You remember that one time, the merchant ship sailed past us because we were chasing after a rumor map location. Fucking hell! We are the pirate king and we let the merchant ship slip away. That was the serious damage to our reputation!" Mingi rants without breathing.

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