Special chapter - Star of the night III

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Thank you so much for 100k views. Like WOWOW I can't believe this story got this far, I thought it was gonna flop. So here, a special chapter as your gift. If you can still remember Star of the night chapters where Star sings Ateez song and gives y'all intense secondhand embarrassment. 

Are you curious who carried the drunk Star back to her room? Let's find out!

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"So who is gonna bring her back to the room?" Someone spoke up. Eight pairs of eyes stared at the unconscious girl on the floor and among themselves.

No one acted, only stood still on their ground while giving each other a signal to carry the girl.

Their gaze were drawn to the figure on the floor once she murmured in her sleep.

"Where's my Elsa blanket?" Her hands and feet extended to touch around her surroundings, but once she couldn't find her so-called blanket she let out an upset groan. Then she fell asleep again.

Some of them had their mouth curved upward by her sleep talking and some snort through their nose.

The look on Star's face was quite a sight, the moonlight brightened her smooth skin, her face flush red from the alcoholic drink, her cherry lips slightly part, her silky black hair spread on the floor. Her arms hugged herself as she was probably cold by the night breeze.

Although Yeosang's heart received heavy damage by the betrayal, he crouched down next to the girl, contemplating whether to carry her to her cabin or not since none of his crew were trustworthy.

"Pff, green terror. I always thought your medicine tastes horrible, but I never once named it with such a horrendous name. So how the betrayal feels like, surgeon?" Wooyoung snickered and plopped down next to Yeosang. "Are you going to carry her?"

Yeosang didn't reply but reached his hands to lift her up, however, a hand grabbed him.

"Surgeon, I think I saw a man throw up at the forecastle, perhaps you should go check him up." Wooyoung jerked his chin toward the direction he spoke of. "And leave little Star to me." He instantly lifted the girl up into a bridal style.

"Put her down first mate." Before anyone was able to protest, Seonghwa ordered Wooyoung in a commanding tone. "San, take her." Then he turned to the combatant who still had his hand curled around his dagger.

San smirked and strode toward Wooyoung. However, the purple haired man turned aside, not allowing his mate to take Star away. "Where're you taking her?" Wooyoung asked the quartermaster, suspicious.

"I should be the one that asks you that. Don't think that I don't know what's going on in your filthy thoughts." Seonghwa narrowed his eyes.

"C'mon, quartermaster. I'm not that kind of person. I'm a gentleman." The excuse of flirtatious first mate caused the other to roll their eyes.

Seonghwa shot daggers at Wooyoung until he surrendered. Wooyoung grimaced, muttering Mr.Nerve wrecker under his breath and reluctantly gave the girl to San.

Once Star passed to San, Seonghwa let out a sinister smirk. "San, tie her to the mainmast."

The others immediately protested. "Sir, aren't you being too extreme?" Yunho stepped toward Seonghwa.

"Aye! you can't do that to shooting Star!" Mingi's voice boomed with fury, "You give her to me. Don't ever think of hurting my friend!" Then he turned to shout at San.

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