Chapter 64 - Complication

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[Trigger warning violent]

Water splash onto an unconscious man tied to a wooden chair. The man jerks violently yet the rope around his chest and limbs unable him to move. Water travels down his wounded body and mixes with blood dripping to the dusty floor. A pair of bruised eyes glare at the captors in front of him.

"Captain Arrow, he refused to reveal a thing about the pirate king." Putting down a water bucket to the ground, a man reports to a figure beside him.

"Still not speaking? What a loyal dog." Scowling, Captain Arrow grips the captive's chin and blows a puff of smoke into his face, making the prisoner let out hoarse and painful coughs.

Captain Arrow pushes the man's bruised face away and peers at another figure leaning against a wall behind him. "What do you think, Captain Billy? Shall we capture another crew?"

"No," Captain Billy rejects the suggestion, he strides forward and stands next to Arrow. "Hongjoong will get suspicious. One is enough."

"You bilge rats! You will never get anything from me." The prisoner seethes and spat his saliva mixing with blood toward the two men. They remain in their spot, nonchalant by the vulgar action.

"You will speak today." Captain Billy smirks and signals his man to open the door.

Lights travel into the small dark room once the door opens. Two men drag a woman inside the room. She tosses around, screaming and crying. "Let me go, Pirates!"

"If you don't speak, you know what will happen to your favorite whore." Billy turns to the captive who has gone shocked. He stares at the woman with fear shown in his eyes, his mouth quivering.

"He's just a customer. I have nothing to do with him! Please let me go!" The woman glances at the man on the chair and turns to beg Billy.

"Too bad, he's fond of you." Billy grabs the woman's face, his hand pulls out a sharp dagger and places it on her cheek. He turns to give the captive a sadistic smirk. "So where shall we start? How about you tell me did you went to Wonderland, what kind of power Hongjoong possess and what're treasures that he's hiding?"

The captive's pupils dilate as Billy presses the dagger into the delicate flesh of the woman. An ear-splitting scream pierce outside the room and continue on like the place has turned into an eternal hell.


Water that has passed won't flow backward, just like a word, once it is spoken, it can never turn back. I realized when it was too late.

The guys stared blankly at me when I complimented Yeosang's sister out of blue. Seonghwa's smirk grew wider as if he knew what I was trying to do. However, Yeojin's brother only let out an 'Oh' and nothing more. No one speaks a word until Hongjoong dispelled the awkward situation by asking the surgeon to clear the misunderstanding with his sister. To my disappointment he didn't acknowledge my protest stares. Instead the tiny man requested Yeosang to accompany me out of the quarter room because he had an urgent meeting going on.

Sulking, I left the room with Yeosang.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to insult your sister." I quickly apologize to him, afraid that he'll get angry.

"It's ok, I know what she is like. She isn't a bad person, just a little stubborn." Walking by my side, he gives me a tired smile. My face twists a little after hearing his description of his sister.

When Yeosang notices my expression, he adds with a solemn look, "Well, maybe so stubborn and mean, and a bit impolite most of the time."

Even though I want to agree with his comment, I can only shake my head in disapproval. "Because she misunderstands that I'm Wooyoung's lover so she hates me. I completely understand her action."

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