Author's ending ment

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Thank you so much for reading Star illusion until the end. I sincerely appreciate your love and support.

The book is my first long fiction. I admitted that the writing process was tough and I took a looooong time to finish it. You guys patiently waited for me to update which I felt so thankful. I was really determined to complete it because I knew how the readers felt about being left behind.

Although the story has ended, the characters will continue to live happily in their world. And I didn't plan to write a sequel because I think it's kinda complete on its own. I'm sad too, I'll miss the characters so much. They're like my babies. (T_T)

And I must warn you guys that don't attempt to transmigrate into the book because Pirate Ateez won't be nice to you (since you're not Star) and you'll become fish food before you know it.

BTW I'm thinking of taking a break from writing. My ideas and motivation just disappeared. (╯_╰) But when I feel a spark to write, then I'll be back with another story. I'm still not sure if I want to write in the same universe as Star illusion or something else. We'll see.

See you in the next book (that I haven't plotted anything yet lol.)

Thank you again my dear readers ヽ(♡‿♡)ノ

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