Chapter 15 - Port Royal

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Three days have passed and we finally arrived at Port Royal.

My torment in the small cabin came to an end!

During the imprisonment, I spent most of the time sleeping, eating, and thinking about the fiction. While Aurora indulges in her book most of the time. We barely talked to each other and the atmosphere in the room was quite awkward.

Whenever she asked me personal questions, I ended up answering her in weird riddles, such as, "Where're you from?" 
I, who didn't know anything about this character, answered, "Somewhere very far away, you can't imagine."

And another tough question, "How did you become a seer?"
I, who couldn't say that I read the fiction on my phone, replied, "I received my power from a magic box."

"..." Aurora

Perhaps it was my fault that made conversation awkward. Because she stopped talking to me.

Anyway, I learnt that she's still the sweet female lead but she didn't open up to me that much. I guess that it would take time because in the story she doesn't have any close friends to rely on. Until she meets Ateez, she learns what the true friendship is. The thought made me shed tears.

When the ship dock at Port Royal, Jim unlocks the door and ushers us to the main deck.

Once I step out into the sun, I take a deep breath and stretch my stiff body.

My freedom!

The sky slightly turns orange, indicating that the sun will set soon.

Scanning around the ship, the crew are shouting back and forth, they appear livelier than usual. It has been quite a while since they stopped at a port.

"Remember, we're not here to play but for an important matter." Hongjoong who stands on a quarterdeck shouts across the board and his men shout back, 'Aye!!'

Seonghwa leads a group of tough looking men, making their way off the ship and some crew are loitering around the ship fixing on sails and rigging.

Seonghwa must be the head of the operation to get the Wonderland map.

I remember telling them that the trade will be in the forsaken area on the east coast at midnight. I guess he's preparing to ambush or something. Too bad they didn't tell me any plan details.

Anyway, I'll convince Hongjoong from joining them since I don't know if anything could go wrong at that moment.

Hongjoong descends down the stairs toward the main deck. He's talking with Yunho and several unfamiliar faces, probably on the plan as all of them appear very serious.

I walk cautiously toward them. Yunho notices my presence as he waves at me cheerfully.

Aww, my giant puppy, it's been a long time since I last saw him.

I wave back but Hongjoong suddenly turns his face toward me and smirk, making me falter in my step.

Perhaps I should stand here quietly until the time is right, I'll confront him.

I don't want to hear him say 'My ship, my rule, lock them in the cabin' again.

Then I see Yeosang and Wooyoung leaving the ship together, Yeosang gives me a small smile which I return him one while Wooyoung yells at me, "Nice shirt."

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