Chapter 24 - Are you her mom?

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I wake up dizzily in a tiny room. I take a full minute trying to remember why I ended up here.

The scene replays in my head and I want to plunge myself into the deep ocean.

I fainted. Fainted in front of hundreds of people.

Tugging my hair, I groan and kick my feet in the air in frustration. That was so embarrassing. Ateez must be seeing me as a weak girl from now on.

Then I notice my red dress replaced with a creamy shirt and long black pants.

Who was changing my clothes? I panic. This might not be my body, but it's still my body.

A door suddenly opens and the surgeon enters with a bowl in his hand. "You awake. How are you feeling?" Yeosang asks and hands me the familiar green liquid.

"A little dizzy." I answer as I collect the bowl. I grimace, having no choice but to drink the medicine.

"Aurora changed your clothes. Don't worry." He answers.

I nod, feeling a bit relieved.

"How long did I pass out?"

"Half of a day."

After he responded, the room fell into uncomfortable silence.

I quietly drink the medicine. Once finished, I gave the bowl back to Yeosang.

"I heard what was happening." Yeosang sighs, "It must have terrified you." Staring into the innocent aquamarine eyes, he tries to search for any sign of emotions. Afraid to see that one emotion in her eyes, fear.

He aware that his crew are ruthless, not everyone can accept them. He can't say that they're not bad people because they are. But he doesn't want to scare the girl in front of him.

"Sorry for my crew's action, they were going overboard this time." His crew always go overboard, it's their normal trait. But this time their behavior upset him.

"Will you scold Hongjoong and Seonghwa for me?" The black haired girl asks him cheekily.

Yeosang stares at the girl and shakes his head. Does she know who she is dealing with?
The notorious pirate king. Their name alone is enough to make anyone cower in fear. But this girl asked him to scold them.

Wounds on her face still haven't healed and her left foot is inflamed from running. She sure likes to attract trouble to herself.

"I will and I will also scold you for your reckless action." Yeosang sits down on the bed and touches her left foot.

I cry and yank my foot away. I see that he changed the bandage.

"Sorry Yeosang." I feel guilty for adding more work to him. "And thank you for taking care of me."

"If you really feel sorry, then why would you run around with that wounded foot?"

"I have my reason but trust me, I wasn't trying to escape."

"I trust you." His answer caught me off guard. His chestnut brown orbs stare into mine intently while I, again, lost in those beautiful orbs.

Suddenly, loud knocks on the door break our eye contact.

He instantly gets up and walks to the door, "I hope I get to know you better." He says and leaves the room.

I sit frozen, trying to register what he meant. But my heart is already pounding loudly in my chest. If I were playing a game, I was completely K.O.

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