Chapter 63 - Protecting you from outside the blanket

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My world spins as Hongjoong seizes my hand that was about to make contact with his handsome face. The next thing I know, I am already trapped inside his arms, embracing me from behind. My heart skips a beat when his warm body presses against my back.

"Do you know what punishment you will receive for assaulting captain?" Hongjoong's hot breath grazes my ear. His velvet voice causes my legs to lose strength.

"Now you're scared?" He tightens his embrace once my body starts to slide down the floor.

"W-who scared of you?" Spontaneously, I retaliate although I basically lean against him. "I'm not one of your crew, your punishment can't apply to me. A-and it was your fault that you startled me. It was a body reflex. I didn't mean to punch you."

Hongjoong chuckles in his throat and whispers, "Right, because you aren't my crew then your punishment will be more severe."

My breath hitch in my throat as my imagination starts to run wild. The previous punishment ended with his lips on mine. I'm glad the room is dark and my face turns away from him, so he wouldn't see me blush madly. Instead of fighting him back, I keep my mouth shut.

"Are you that angry with me?" When he notices my silence protest, he asks me with an uncertain tone.

I bite my tongue and remain quiet. I'm angry because he locked me in the room and prevented me from talking to Aurora. Even if he has the authority, he can't control me because I'm an independent woman, I have a mind of my own.

After a short while, I hear him sigh and he leans his head against mine.

"After you hear what happened, you must be disgusted by my crime." His tone is flat, but fills with bitterness.

Upon hearing the past misdeed that he and his crew caused to the sea witch, I feel my heart plunge into conflict. I wasn't angry but disappointed. No matter how long I spent time with them, I'm not used to their cruelty. Every time something similar happens, I try to remind myself that I'm inside a pirate book which means they are bound to commit a lot of crimes. Plus, the goal of the story is about the pirates to repent and receive their second chance. And since the incident happened in the past and Hongjoong's already promised me he wouldn't do it again, I shouldn't blame him anymore. Instead I should guide him on a better path.

Yet, because of my stubbornness, I stay silent and listen to him.

"I'm a horrible person. I committed so many unforgivable sins. I regret what I did, but I don't have an ounce of sympathy toward those who hurt my men, they deserve it."

The room is so quiet that I can hear my own rapid heartbeat. I didn't expect him to confess his thoughts so sincerely. He lets go of my arms and he replaces them around my waist.

"You see good in people, no matter how vile they are. Unlike me, I see corruptness in them. You don't hesitate to help us and that betrayer girl. However, Star, people like us take advantage of a person like you. And I also take advantage of your naivety. Perhaps, you realize how I manipulated you, yet you let me do it. Even my crew are against the thought of us together. Do you know why?"

The more he speaks, the more emotions reveal in his tone. It's not that I let him control me, he just didn't leave a room for me to oppose. Even when I was supposed to be angry at him, I couldn't stay angry for too long. And I noticed the guys' reaction when Hongjoong showed interest in me, I thought he was so confident to ignore the matter.

He lets out a shaky laugh before speaking. "Because I don't deserve you. Because I'll only taint you with my wickedness. Even though I know how different we are, I keep drawing to you. Instead of letting you go, I pull you into my world—to my hellish world. If in the end, you come to hate me, I understand."

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