Rosa Diaz- Santa (a)

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"Detective Rosa Diaz, NYPD. You are under arrest for stealing from... Santa. Never thought I would say that but oh well." Rosa pushed the deadbeat crook the against the rough stone wall and held his head firmly as she reached for her cuffs. "So what did we learn today?" You heard her ask as you returned the bucket full of loose coins and dollar bills to the very thankful Santa. Rosa forcefully lead the crook over to the exit of the mall when she was met with a horde of teary eyed, panicked children and their parents who had only come to the mall today to see the one and only Santa Claus.

"Y/n!" Rosa called you over. "Take this piece of trash to the car for me, will you?" You agreed without a second thought and continued the criminal on his walk of shame.

"What happened?" You heard a small, innocent voice call out from the crowd.

"Yeah... why did that nasty man come to steal the money from Santa?" Rosa quickly became overwhelmed with an interrogation of her own from the swarm of kids. "Are you here to help us or are you going to take the money when we're not looking? My mommy says the police are the real criminals."

You stopped and turned to watch, everybody knew Rosa and what she was like, but you couldn't ever recall a situation where she had to deal with one child never mind a whole brood of them.

"Look, me and Santa over here are good friends, all right. Tell 'em Santa."

"Of course..." For fear of his actual life the obviously poorly chosen Santa played along. "Me and the detective go way back... I know her from college... Santa college?"

"Well we know each other anyway alright."

"Were you one of his elves?" The children all laughed at one of the parents quips, said parent quickly regretted her decision as she was met with a death glare from Rosa and the gaggle fell silent.

"Long story short, there's some bad Christmas cookies out there kids alright? But the police will always have your back as long as you be good boys and girls, got it?" The kids all nodded in fear.

"Thank you detective Rosa." A small girl called out from the front before running out and wrapping her arms around Rosa's legs. It wasn't long before the entire gang of Children had swarmed her and enveloped her in a sea of thanks and hugs.

"Get off, get off." She pleaded. "Get off you little... or I will call Terry and Boyle and trust me, those two are insufferable around children."

Written by Aaron.

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