Amy Santiago- Baking (c)

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When you agreed to make biscuits for your family Christmas party the next day, you didn't think it would be with a drill sergeant. You had always known that your girlfriend, Amy was fairly uptight and stuck in her ways, but this was a new level you had never seen. She wasn't a good cook; she was more than capable in every aspect of her life as long as she wasn't in a kitchen, so when she wanted to have homemade biscuits, she enlisted you to assist her, to make sure she didn't completely screw up.

In her kitchen, the counters were already lined with matching ramekins of various sizes, all ingredients measured out, ready to be mixed together. Amongst the different ingredients was a relatively thin binder containing the recipe (highlighted and annotated), profiles for each ingredient to explain their role in the recipe and a whole section on how to decorate the biscuits, detailed information on any possible aspects that could be included.

"I know that baking should be seen as a science and if we follow this recipe, there isn't any way to get things wrong," she smiled triumphantly, certain that she couldn't fail at this cooking endeavour.

You shook your head at her. It certainly was one way to look at baking, but it would take out all of the fun and the elements that made you love it.

"Amy," you sighed. "Baking should come from your heart, not your head."

She paused, looking at her binder before back at you, slightly baffled by what you could mean by it.

"I don't understand," she said quietly, not working well when she didn't have full control of the knowledge of the situation.

"Recipes can be great, but rarely do they work perfectly for what everyone wants. It's not bad to edit them to what you like. So, this recipe is just for your bog-standard sugar cookies, how would you handle it when my nan loves orange flavoured biscuits?" You offered.

"I'd find another recipe," She said.

You shook your head. "Not for just two biscuits, it's a waste of time and effort. You just learn to edit what you have. So, I'd just take a chunk of the dough and add the flavouring, to not waste everything."

"This doesn't make sense."

You couldn't help but laugh at her frazzled expression. You took a pinch of flour from the ramekin and threw it towards her, letting it cover her face.

"Y/N!" She exclaimed.

"Amy calm down," you chuckled. "Just trust me and we are going to learn how make baking fun."


Written by Charlotte.

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