Rosa Diaz- Jealousy (c)

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Your love for your girlfriend was beyond anything you had ever felt before, and you had hoped her emotions for you were of a similar level but since she had gotten her Labrador puppy you doubted that fact. She wasn't really an animal person, but as soon as she brought Arlo into your home, even if she was fairly reluctant at first, she actually cracked a smile which was a huge thing for Rosa.

Even though she hasn't done anything to signify she loved you any less, but she had spent nearly every moment she had away from work and sleep either tending to Arlo's needs or cuddling with him.

Normally when the two of you were watching TV the two of you would sit on the sofa together, cuddled together or just content with the closeness of one another continuing with whatever the two of you needed to do. But with the Labrador perched on your section of the sofa, propping his head on Rosa's lap, you had resigned to the arm chair that was put on the other side of the coffee table.

You couldn't help but stare slightly annoyed at the creature, if he wasn't so sweet and innocent you were sure that you would be able to hate him, but you knew quite clearly that your annoyance was your own fault. It wasn't his fault, he simply loved his human, and Rosa was just being a good owner, it just hurt you that for her to care for him it meant you became second best.

Rosa tried to form conversation but most of your responses were minimalist or non-verbal. You weren't annoyed at her, it was just disheartening and it upset you that you couldn't cuddle with your girlfriend.

As she continued to try and form a conversation her eyes fell to the dog at her side, realising that was who you were looking up so negatively.

"You're jealous aren't you?" Rosa smirked.

Your eyes snapped up to look at her, trying to hide your emotions from her.

"Of course not," you frowned.

A mellifluous laugh escaped her as she lightly moved Arlo so that she could stand, with you matching her gesture as that you both had moved to face each other by the side of the coffee table.

"You have no reason to be jealous. I love you, I just also love Arlo, but nowhere near as much as you," she stated in a certain tone.

"I'm not jealous," you said forcefully.

Rosa smirked at you. "Sure about that?"

You let out a huff, not enjoying her teasing you as you knew full well that you were jealous of the dog laying on the sofa.

"Kiss me you twat," you stated reaching a hand up to reach behind her neck and pull her towards you so that you could kiss her lips.


Written by Charlotte.

Brooklyn Nine-Nine One Shots And ImaginesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora