Raymond Holt- Overwatch (a)

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"And that's Hanzo, he uses a bow and arrows." Captain Holt raised his finger, to silence you.

"I agreed to play this... ridiculous video game but I never said anything about learning it. I am merely here to prove that I am open minded about such things so if you could please just let me get on with it so that I can get home, that would be fantastic."

"Can you really call this ridiculous, didn't you get addicted to some dumb mobile game for a few weeks?" His jaw dropped in disbelief.

"I will have you know that Kwazy cupcakes was not a 'dumb mobile game', it was a very useful application that taught quick thinking and problem-solving skills. This though... this is nonsense. Scientist gorillas, robots, honestly. Who comes up with such ridiculous ideas?" The announcer counted down '3...2...1...'. As the game started, he leant in to the monitor, his character moved with rigidity and precision, but you had expected nothing less.

"Wait... what happened?" His chosen virtual character fell to the floor.

"You've been killed..."

"Well he clearly had the superior character... Change it for me." At his request you opened the character screen and hovered over Soldier:76 for him.

"My god, who is that?" Holt took off his glasses and moved his face even closer to the monitor.

"I thought you didn't want to know about the 'stupid' game?"

"It is always good to learn y/s/n, when you're patrolling these streets you can forget your badge, your handcuffs and even your gun. Knowledge is and always will be, your best weapon."

"That would be Jack Morrison, A.K.A Soldier:76."

"My god, he looks just like Kevin!" You looked at the rugged and handsome man on the screen and then thought back to your times meeting Captain Holt's husband, the similarities were a bit more distant to you."

"Does he?"

"Well of course this... representation could never be as handsome as my dear."

His eyes scanned across the page.

"Okay, we've done this before, press continue and get to playing." He murmured something incomprehensible and continued to stare.

"Does somebody have a crush on a video-game character?" He snapped back into reality.

"Please, Captain Raymond Holt does not get crushes, never mind on stupid video game character." He spoke to you, but his eyes did not leave the screen.

"But what did you say his name was again?"


Written by Aaron.

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