Amy Santiago- Rat (a)

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"Don't move!" You froze in fear as Amy shouted at you from her position atop the kitchen table.

"What is going on?" You asked as you tried your best to process Amy stood on the kitchen table with an empty saucepan in her hand.

"There's a rat or a mouse or something. Get up here and grab a bowl or something... and maybe some cheese wouldn't go amiss." Her eyes darted around the floor, eagerly awaiting a sight of the vermin that was all too common in New York.

"It's Brooklyn, don't tell me you've never seen a rat before." She leant over the edge of the table and grabbed your arm to help pull you up. "We see like twelve before we even get to work."

"This is different." She held the saucepan tightly between her hands. "This thing's big, bigger than I've ever seen."

"How long have you been up here?" You asked, noting the empty granola bar wrappers scattered on the table and the accompanying crumbs.

"When did you leave for work?" She asked, she had not yet taken her eyes from the floor.

"Like ten hours ago."

"I saw the little bastard run across the floor about an hour after you left." She pointed excitedly over into a shadowed corner but scoffed at the dust bunny that floated out.

"You spent your whole day off stood on the table? I thought you were meant to be sorting things out for you parents visit. You know they're coming tomorrow, and we aren't prepared in the slightest."

"Benjamin, I called the rat Benjamin, would probably chew through both of my parents before they even made it through the door." You wrestled the pan from her hands and stepped down from the table, based solely on Amy's reaction you would have thought you had stepped out into an abyss.

"Firstly, have you met your father? I don't think a rat would stand a chance. Secondly, it is a rat. It's probably halfway across the city now. Get down and I'll make you dinner, I bet you haven't eaten all day?" She was apprehensive at first but joined you once you pointed out how your legs had not yet been chewed off by a camel sized rat.

"Y/n." Amy looked over your shoulder, her eyes fixed on the counter and her eyes slowly reaching for the pan in your hands.


Written by Aaron.

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