Jake Peralta- Heels (c)

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You had gone out to a fancy restaurant with your boyfriend Jake that had been recommended to the two of you by Amy. It wasn't anywhere you would normally go, frankly you had never even heard of the restaurant before but nevertheless, the two of you got a reservation and were rather glad to have gone. You were dressed up in the clothes you had splurged on but never had an excuse to wear something so expensive and fancy until now.

Once the meal was over, the two of you decided to walk back to your apartment. It was a fairly long walk but seen as your dress had cost more than you monthly rent, you weren't about to ruin it on a sticky subway seat. You had barely walked two blocks before the walk became worse and you knew it would be impossible to complete it.

You had tried to step down a curb, but your shoe had given out under you. The heel on your shoe had snapped, sending you onto the floor. Luckily, you didn't injure yourself but when you slipped off your shoe, you could see that there was no quick fix. The heel had completely snapped off from the shoe and you knew that you weren't going to be able to walk with only one of them on.

"Are you okay?" Jake asked, crouching down beside you.

You removed the second shoe, clambering onto your feet, now bare foot and holding your shoes.

"Yeah, the only thing broken is my shoe," you said trying to make light of the situation.

"We're nowhere near home," he stated. "How are you going to get home without any shoes?"

Shrugging your shoulders, you tried to brush off your dress to still look somewhat composed and unlike you had fallen to the ground seconds before.

"I guess I'll just have to walk home without shoes."

He let out a laugh at the thought.

"You can't walk home without shoes. The amount of glass and crap on the floor, who knows what would happen to you from everything you'd be standing in," he said seriously, a tone that you rarely knew from him. "I guess I'll carry you home. So, choose, piggyback or princess carry."

You looked at him doubtfully. "You're not carrying me Jake."

"Well you aren't walking home without any shoes."

It went back and forth for a few moments until you gave in. You just wanted to go home and get into bed, so it just made more sense to accept him carrying you whether you wanted him to or not.

You told him to bend down until you were able to hop onto his back and accept a piggyback ride back to your shared apartment.


Written by Charlotte.

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