Rosa Diaz- Smell (c)

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Although Charles was a lovely person and an amazing colleague, you tired quickly of the stench of the food that he brought into the precinct. He may have been a close friend but very quickly you learnt to never let him pick where you were going to lunch and no one trusted him to pick where to order in for everyone as it would likely be inedible. No one could stop him from taking his own food into the precinct and eat it at his desk like everyone else did.

You were far too scared to get to his desk to ask him what he was eating, fearing that you would succumb to the fumes it emitted. Your girlfriend Rosa had a strong stomach but even she was doing her best to stop retching at the stink. Everyone had made an excuse to go anywhere but their desks to try and avoid the smell but also not to upset him. It may not have been the smartest idea, but you and Rosa had hidden yourselves in a dark supply closet to just get some air, not caring how musky it was in there.

"Even the stagnant water from that bucket smells better than that crap," you sighed.

"It won't even air out before the end of our shift," she frowned.

The two of you were just relieved to have a break from the smell and the close proximity to your girlfriend certainly wasn't an issue to you. You stood in silent, but you felt Rosa kick your shin.

You winced, recoiling it. "What was that for?"

"Stop it!" She said firmly.

"Stop what?"

You had no idea what she was doing. It may have been a small area but there was no excuse for just kicking you for no reason nor what was causing her foul attitude towards you.

"Stop poking me!" She demanded, giving your arm a shove.

Since getting into the cupboard, you hadn't moved, let alone tried to poke or annoy Rosa, so you had no idea what she was talking about.

"I'm not poking you."

You pulled out your phone from your pocket, turning it on so the screen glowed gently in the confined space. Rather than looking towards your girlfriend, your eyes were drawn straight behind the broom that was propped against the wall where someone was stood, unbeknownst to either of you. A bright cheeky smile shone in the light of your phone. Both you and Rosa let out a sigh before exclaiming at the same time.



Written by Charlotte.

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