Rosa Diaz- Dogs (c)

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"Willow calm down girl," you laughed as your corgi did her best to drag you through the dog park.

Her nose was buried in the grass, following a smell that she was intent on reaching. You didn't know where she was taking you but with her so set on finding it, you didn't want to take her off her lead in case the smell led her too far ahead. Although her legs were stubby, she was able to move a lot faster than you could and you couldn't bear to think that you would lose her.

Willow led you towards a couple of dogs but quickly lost interest following the smell until she found a golden retriever puppy who was almost the same size as her. Her tail wagged uncontrollably as she turned back to you with her tongue hanging from her mouth. She jumped playfully at the puppy who returned the play. You unhooked her lead knowing she was no satisfied and wouldn't stray far from you or this puppy.

Taking your focus away from the two dogs, you noticed the owned of the golden retriever. She was beautiful with dark wavy hair, dressed in equally as dark attire.

"Hi," you smiled. "My dog sniffed yours out across the park. Almost broke my arm trying to get to him. Clearly she could smell a friend."

"It's rare he plays with a small dog," she stated. "Usually wants big dogs' attention but they are too rough for him."

"Willow s the biggest softy. She couldn't hurt a fly... well she did once attempt to eat a wasp, but it stung her snout," you trailed off from the actual point.

"Arlo means no harm, he's a bit of an idiot honestly but I love him."

You jutted your hand out towards the woman for her to shake. "I'm Y/N."

She shook your hand. "Rosa."

The two of you kept chatting, keeping a close eye on your dogs who were happily frolicking around in the grass, playing with the flowers and seemingly enjoying the company of an equally happy dog. Although Willow wasn't a puppy anymore, she certainly kept up with Arlo, if anything being more playful than he was.

"Arlo," Rosa called out. "We need to get going, I have work."

"It was nice meeting you," you smiled crouching down as Willow came up to you.

"You too."

"Maybe we could meet here again, same time next week? Willow seemed to really enjoy Arlo's company," you smiled.

"We'd like that."

If only Rosa knew that you enjoyed her company far more than your dog enjoyed the company of hers.


Written by Charlotte.

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