Jake Peralta- Home (h)

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You always knew that being in university was never going to be easy – of course it wasn't.

Not just because of the academic side of things, but because of the whole independence side as well.

When deciding where to go for your next step of education, you had made the big decision to move from Britain all the way to the United States.

You weren't overly sure why you had done it.

There was something about wanting to get out of everywhere you knew.

However, there were days where you wished you had never moved and wanted to go home.

It was always worse when you were by yourself, and thinking about everything you had back home that you no longer had.

You missed your family, your friends and the hometown you wanted to get away from.

But then there were the times where you were with your boyfriend and all of that seemed to disappear.

Jake was well aware of how you felt about being out in Brooklyn, and he knew that you absolutely loved living there and with him but of course there was the times where you missed everything you previously knew.

The two of you had been in a relationship for two years; you'd met him when you were walking home from a night out with your uni friends, and a fight had broken out in front of your group.

Jake had said a very cheesy pick up line to you, and whilst the rest of your friends laughed, you loved it.

Since then, you had been smitten.

You had been overwhelmed with university work, and when Jake got home he found you staring into your mug of hot chocolate with a faraway look in your eyes.


Jake's voice caused you to look up, but you didn't respond.

"What's going on?"

You shrugged, not wanting to talk.

He sighed and sat down on the sofa next to you, moving your feet so that they were in his lap instead of curled up underneath you.

You looked back down at your mug – still not having spoken to your boyfriend.

"Please Sweetheart, tell me what's wrong."

"Nothing is wrong."

He scoffed at your words. "Yeah, that's totally why you're ignoring me and staring at your hot chocolate like it's going to suddenly become interesting."

"It is interesting!"

He rolled his eyes. "Same way me staring into my mug of coffee at work is interesting."

You sighed but finally looked up at him properly.

"Tell me what's wrong, please."

"I just miss everything," you told him. "All my work is crazy too."

Jake placed his hand on your bare leg, and gently rubbed comforting circles on your shin. "What if you went home for a week or so?"

You shook your head. "I couldn't afford the time off of uni."

Before he said anything else, Jake reached out and pulled you into his lap but being careful not to spill the mug of hot chocolate you were still clutching.

"And besides, I need to be here," you answered. "I just miss everything back home."

Jake gently pressed a kiss to your cheek before nuzzling his head into your neck.

"I want to see my home, and the park and everything there."

"Then head home for a little Sweetheart."

You shook your head again. "I can't."

He smiled at you. "Actually, you can."

"Don't be silly Jake."

"I got time off from work, and I spoke to your lecturers and they agreed to give you the work in advance so you can go home."

"You're being serious?"

Your boyfriend leant forward to kiss you gently, and smiled when he felt you smile into the kiss.

"I love you."


Written by Hannah.

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