Jake Peralta- Surprise Party (h)

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When you had known someone for a long time, it was easy to figure out their moods or just know when something was wrong.

You had always thought that that was the case for you and Jake. The two of you had been friends since you were in nappies and had ended up as high school sweethearts.

Naturally you felt as if you knew him very well but recently you just couldn't figure him out.

The two of you had moved into a house of your own just over three years ago, after having lived in a few different apartments, and yet your house had never felt so lonely.

You knew Jake worked odd hours and had a hectic schedule, but he'd always make time to see you whenever he got home, he'd make a conscious effort to find time in the week for the two of you to do something.

Recently though you were feeling as if you weren't ever seeing him.

His shifts at the precinct were getting longer, he'd had more meetings and stakeouts in the past month than he had in the past year and at weekends there was always something for him to do.

He'd had dinner with you on occasion, but you were finding it hard to remember the last time the two of you had had a date night, or a movie night, or even a lie in together.

If you were being honest it was starting to worry you, Jake had never been one to avoid you and if there was something wrong, he'd have either told you or you would have been able to figure it out.

This time though, you couldn't figure it out.

"Baby?" Jake yelled from the front door when he got back home.

He frowned when you didn't call back to him, usually you were in the kitchen or the lounge and you weren't.

As he made his way upstairs all he could think of was what he had planned for you in a few days – he had been working on it for almost a month now and wanted it to be perfect.

When he walked into your bedroom, he saw you fast asleep on the bed but with tear tracks down your cheeks.

"Oh baby," he breathed out, not knowing what could have had you so upset but he hated seeing you that way.

You stirred when Jake sat down on the bed and quickly wiped at your cheeks when you'd realised you had fallen asleep after getting overwhelmed at everything.

Jake sighed as he reached for your hand. "Baby what happened?"

"I just got overwhelmed," you responded as you let him take your hand.

"At what?" he questioned which made you sigh as you didn't know how to approach the whole thing with him.

You sniffled slightly from the crying and took a shaky breath. "I realised how little you've been around lately," you admitted. "You haven't been here on weekends; you've been at the precinct later and there's always some stakeout or meeting or some other thing that you need to go and do."

As you spoke Jake realised just how little he had been with you whilst he'd been planning his surprise and he was hit with the fact that, whilst he was trying to do something great for you, he had neglected being there for you for the better part of a month.

"And then I got worried that you were bored, maybe going off me a bit, I mean we've been in each other's lives since we were 3 for god's sake so I guess it would be understandable for you to get a bit bored."

Jake shook his head at your words. "It's nothing like that Baby, I promise you I could never get bored of you," he quickly tried to reassure you but soon realised that he just needed to come clean.

He sighed at this but knew he needed to be honest rather than risk even upsetting you more as he'd clearly been a bonehead thus far.

"Baby I'm so sorry," he rested his hand on your cheek so that he could look into your eyes. "I've been planning something, something big, and that's why I haven't been home much."

Confusion crossed your face as you'd never expected that from him. "What do you mean you've been planning something?"

"Fuck," he sighed as he ran a hand through his hair. "Let me go and grab something and I'll be right back."

You nodded as you watched him shoot out of your room. You were beyond confused but a part of you felt better knowing that he wasn't actually going off you or your relationship.

When he came back, he sat back down next to you. "I was planning this big party thing with our friends and your whole family and my nine nine family," he told you as he pulled out a small tiffany blue box. "My plan was to surprise you with this party, ask you a very important question and hopefully party the rest of the night away."

At this point you were beginning to cry again as you clocked on to what he was doing, and your heart dropped at the surprise you had ruined.

"And I'm going to ask you now, pray to whoever is up there that you say yes, and you can pretend to be surprised at our party."

You giggled and smiled at him. "I'm so sorry Jake, I never wanted to ruin anything for you."

He shook his head. "The only way you'd ever ruin anything would be if you said no."

"You need to ask me to find out."


Written by Hannah.

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