Chapter 85:Its not gas explode

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Naturally, it is impossible for the Aozaki family to really pay, it is just a joke.
Aozaki Touko had a rare hint of unhappiness between her eyebrows, thinking that the guy's personality was indeed bad enough at some point.
As for Aozaki Rin beside her, at that moment, he was really scared out of a cold sweat.
After all, although Touko took over his responsibility in the previous conversation, the tram was actually damaged by him. And the price of a tram, with the current financial resources of the Aozaki family, obviously could not afford, he couldn't help but imagine at that moment the picture of his family being displaced due to his own mistake.
Fortunately, Eiri chuckled after that and said that all this was just a joke, so that they didn't have to take it to heart.
After leaving the church, walk the country road back home.
Unlike the boy's guilt and fear about the train, Aozaki began to think about the essence of the incident.
One of the Twenty-Seven Ancestors, one of the Death Apostle, came to Misaki City to find an ordinary person.
And to be honest, Aozaki Touko didn't think that after that death apostle entered the realm of Misaki City, her grandfather would not notice it.
Noticed it but did not stop it, because the person did not care about this matter at all, or because there were other considerations...
Unable to guess what her grandfather, who was a magician, was thinking, Aozaki Touko felt a hint of irritation in her heart.
In addition to this matter, the inexplicable ability of the boy also made her feel puzzled.
That strange power, what has always been possessed? Or was it recently acquired?
The confused thoughts combined with the image of leaving the boy alone to block the Death Apostle when he was in the tram tunnel, and a disgust for her own powerlessness emerged in the girl's heart, and an unprecedented thirst for power in her heart.
If I had inherited the magic by that time...
- I don't need to let that kid protect me alone.
She didn't quite understand why her grandfather was so slow to pass on the magic to herself, she could wait and endure slowly, but this gave her the urge to ask the person about it.

But at this time, on the quiet path illuminated by several street lamps, the boy's crisp voice suddenly sounded.
"Touko Onee-chan, why didn't you just tell Father Eiri that I broke the tram before?"
“...... Although that person has a good relationship with the Aozaki family, he is essentially on a different position from us. So there are some things that don't need to be said so clearly. "
Aozaki Touko came back to her senses, touched the boy's head and explained with a chuckle, after all,she told Eiri about the boy cutting off the train with his arm, not to mention whether the other party would believe it, first of all, it would attract some unnecessary attention for the boy.
Although it is still unclear what the boy's power is,Touko does not want Rin Aogasaki to be treated as an "alien".
"Is that so..."
Rin Aozaki nodded in understanding, and then looked up again and asked.
"Touko Onee-chan, didn't you ask me why I was able to do that before?"
The smile on the girl's face was a little more distressed, although she was indeed curious about this in her heart, but on the other hand, she felt that it might involve the boy's privacy, and she was hesitant.
On the other hand, she did not want to alienate the boy because of her own rash inquiry.
But before she could figure out how to answer this question, Rin Aozaki continued to talk to himself like a memory.
"Actually, I just had a dream. In my dream, I became the younger brother of a girl destined to be King Arthur in the future, and then became her knight, accompanying her to make Britain prosperous. Before, I just wanted to try to use the sword art I learned in my dream, but I used it inexplicably. "
Touko was stunned for a moment, seemingly not expecting that the answer would be this. However, in this way, she understood why Rin Aozaki had suddenly asked her about King Arthur before.
But if it is just a dream, can it really make a person who was very ordinary before do this level?
Could it be that this is what the Buddhists call "one-day enlightenment"? And her brother is actually an enlightened being?
Feeling that this question was probably only her grandfather could answer, Touko understood that the boy also knew nothing about himself, and with some previous considerations, she thought that it was necessary to go to the back mountain.
However, the boy's trust made some of the original boredom in her heart dissipate a lot, and Touko curled the corners of her lips and smiled.

"If you can't figure it out for a while, don't keep getting entangled. When I have a chance, I'll help you investigate this matter. "
"Well, thank you,Touko Onee-chan. Speaking of which, will Touko Onee-chan also stay in the workshop tonight? "
Aozaki Rin nodded, finding that he really didn't have a clue, and he didn't know why the skills in the dream could be taken into account reality, so he suppressed some doubts for the time being and asked.
“...... No, I'll go home today, and I'm a little worried if it's just you and Aoko. In addition, there is no need to tell Aoko about the death apostle, just tell her that she has been a little restless outside recently, and let her take leave to stay at home. "
Aozaki replied after thinking about it, saying that she still had something to talk to Aoko about alone.
Unconsciously, when the two siblings returned to Aozqki's house, as soon as they opened the door, Aoko Aozaki looked at Touko and the boy with an expression of "I'm waiting for an explanation" and said complainingly.
"So slow! Do you know how long I waited? If I don't come back, I'm going to call the police! "
"Ahem, let's not talk about that, Aoko... Come here, I have something I want to tell you. "
"What, it's mysterious, can't you say it in the living room?"
"Nothing, I just heard about it from Rin... It seems that you were still bathing with that child some time ago, don't you have anything to say? "
At the same time, Church.
After seeing off the Aozaki siblings,Eiri is writing a report on the aftermath.
After all, the tram became like that, no matter what, it could not hide from the people, and had to use some reasons to cover up the matter.
As for the excuses... This time, let's use it for disrepair and damage to the circuit.
And just as he was about to finish writing the report, as if noticing something,Eiri stopped the pen in his hand, stood up and turned to a shadow, and smiled.
"Welcome back, Priest Bestino, how is the pursuit?"
“...... Or let the other party escape. "
The blonde priest who came out of the shadows shook his head regretfully and asked in a voice that seemed to make people feel an awe-inspiring sense of justice.

"What about you? Did the people of the Aozaki family say anything? "
"It only mentions that [the tenth ancestor] seems to be looking for someone. As for how the tram was destroyed, the specific means were not disclosed. "
"This is also normal, after all, it is the family line of magicians, and some things are not easily told to others. And the magician's attitude was also a little subtle, making people wonder what he was thinking. "
Bestino signaled that Eiri did not need to care, with an amiable smile on his face, and Eiri only smiled and did not express any opinion.

The two maintained a strange tacit understanding, as if they were aware of each other's appearance at the moment, which was actually just a "mask", but no one said anything.
"Then the next step is the same as the previous arrangement, continue to expand the manpower to search for the dead man, we must find his hiding place as soon as possible, the longer it drags on, the greater the risk of danger to the people."
"You're right, then I'll go and inform some surrounding churches and ask them to send some reinforcements."
Watching Eiri leave the chapel with the report, Bestino was silent for a moment before frowning and whispering to himself.
"Looking for someone? Will it be the 'snake' of this generation..."
With a sense of confusion and anticipation in his voice, the blond young priest looked at his body and sighed silently.

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