Chapter 205

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The 4 of us backtrack and collect all the shattered black cores from the fallen golems. Their bodies of rock and sand have not disappeared at all.

They're just laying in chunks and piles all over the desert floor. It's been close to 10 minutes now, so that confirms my theory that the monsters that die out here won't dissolve until the Dungeon collapses.

The cores from the monsters that Abby and Maria took on are blown to pieces. The two of that Ari and I faced solo seem to still almost be in a fully salvageable state.

They're made of a hard black glossy crystal-like material. It glistens in the mid-day sun as I pick one of them up to examine at a closer range.

The core is palm-sized, and about 3kg. It's pretty heavy and feels like it's about to fall apart if I hold it any longer.

I throw the fragments of one of the cores into my item box, and Aire does the same with his.

Abby and Maria collect the larger fragments of the other golems and store them in their item boxes as well. We might as well grab everything we can get, these fragments may be valuable if they don't dissolve once the dungeon collapses.

Abby speaks up.

"Alright, let's all head to the break!"

I activate Enemy Detection and start to sense more monsters in the direction Abby points. They're approaching fast, in groups of 3-6.

I reach back into my item box to pull out my flaming sword, then think about throwing on my armor...

It's not necessary for these battles yet, but it wouldn't hurt to be prepared for the boss if it's a high-level mutant.

I speak up before we leave, pulling out my bonded set of lightweight armor.

"Hey, one second. Let me throw this new armor on."

Maria's eyes light up and she walks over while I fit the gear to my chest and arms.

"These are nice, where'd you buy them? The Association shop? Or was it a rare drop? Or..?"

I smirk, clicking the last silver piece onto my forearm, letting a few hundred mana points flow through the entire bonded set.

"It was a labyrinth drop, I got it in a boss room while training this week."

Arie joins the conversion.

"Nice set, you'll have to show me around the capital labyrinth when we get back."

I nod, then he points to Abby already making her way into the open desert.

"Come on, let's go."

The 3 of us follow, continuing our trek through the desert. According to Abby's calculations, the break is about 1.5km northeast of us.

The closer we get, the more enemies I spot on my radar.

They can be tracked by eye once they come within 200 meters or so. The visibility was alright up on top of the wall, but the rising and falling hill of the desert landscape make it harder to see where we were headed.

I'm relying on Abby's sense of direction and double-checking it by following the higher-density areas of enemies nearby.

We run into another few groups of golems on the way, but easily take them out. Every enemy ranges from levels 394-396. Even fighting one on one, all 4 of us can take the golems out on our own without a problem.

By the time we reach the portal, I have 6 full cores worth of fragments in my item box.

Maria calls out from beside Abby up front.

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now