Chapter 303

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The minimum amount needed on hand to be eligible for a premium buyers' booth is 25 gold coins. In comparison to my stash, it isn't much, but to the average citizen, it's quite a lot.

Even well-off level D Class hunters would be lucky to make even 5 gold a year. Most of the population could only dream of surpassing this rank, and that's back in the Vice Region. The salaries of upper-middle-class families hardly breach 10 gold coins. With average meals costing just a few bronze, and a rented room less than a few silver a month, 25 gold is an absurd amount to be spending on art or gear at an auction.

Considering this, I'll need to come up with an alias. No normal citizen would come walking in here with hundreds of gold.

The guide casting a sound and sight barrier around us waits patiently.

Chester is the first to take off his mask, pulling up his status and telling the man all the necessary details.

Meanwhile, I change my numbers on my status to look strong, but reasonable at the same time. I end up leaving my advanced fire magic as well as special grade body hardening active for the man to see. They're strong skills, but not incredibly rare to the point where I'd look like a unique talent.

Along with this, I change my level to 439 and my name to Thorne Darkwood. It's the first idea that comes to mind and feels fitting to my altered appearance.

I flip the blue text screen toward me and take the mask off my face to reveal a face similar to that of a battle-seasoned Dark Continent native underneath.

"My occupation is a mercenary, and my budget tonight is well over 25 gold."

I reach under my red cloak and into a secret spatial magic portal to pull out one of the money bags. There's nearly 100 gold in one of these.

"I'm looking to buy a few items to aid me in my work. Weapons or crystals that catch my eye."

His eyes gaze upon the bag of gold but hardly react. The man is a professional. He writes down a few things on his tablet, nods, then motions for us to put our masks back on before taking the barrier down around us.

"Very well. Chester, it's good to see you back here again. I hope we didn't catch you too off guard. The new identification requirements are for premium buyers only because of a few unique items brought in tonight. If you'd like to stay completely anonymous, just keep in mind that the top two listings may be monitored post-purchase."

Chester nods, and then the man turns to me.

"Thorne, I hope you find your time at the auction tonight successful. It's wonderful to see new rising talents in Sector 4. With your budget, I'm sure you'll find exactly what you're looking for."

He shows a kind smile, then turns.

"Please, right this way."

We're led up the narrow corridor about three-quarters of the way until our guide unlocks a sturdy wooden door. It clicks open, and we walk through.

My eyes widen through the black ceramic mask as I take in the view.

The door leads to a small balcony that looks over a sea of people. With red velvet couch-like seating and a thin golden privacy curtain with the option to close off the entire curved edge of the booth, we walk into the premium seating to look down at the stage below.

Our guide hands us a silver lightweight paddle with the number 12 in bold black lettering on the front of it.

He bows.

"Again, I do hope you enjoy the event tonight. I'll be your representative and the only one who knows the identity paired with your number paddle. Please do meet me in the entrance hall after the auction to pay for the items you've won."

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now