Chapter 254

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As the thin layer of purple fog sweeps over us, I feel the special grade perk of my self-regeneration skill activate.

Poison Resistance.

My MP is being actively drained as the poison from the fog seeps into my body and becomes instantly nullified before damaging my HP bar.

The mana all around me is more than enough to counteract the slow drain. My only concern is my teammates.

They don't all have easy ways to counteract an ability like this.

I yell out.

"Hold your breath for as long as possible! The fog is filled with poison. It's not strong, but I doubt it'll stay that way!"

Everyone around me begins covering their mouths and holding their breath. Abby starts glowing very brightly light green, putting out a restoration wave.

I watch both Maria and Arie take their hand from their faces moments later, letting out sighs of relief as the green magic negates the poison's effects almost instantly.

I murmur under my breath.

"Never mind... it seems I don't have to worry."

The archer turns to me.

"Let us handle this Boss, you'll get to have your fun later. This may be the hardest opponent we'll get to face today that we can actually handle. I want to see how tough a Lower-Floor Boss really is."

I pause for a moment, looking up at the crimson-glowing eyes of the snake above, then nod and let my gaze hover over each of them.

"Sounds good... I'll be watching. Be safe, and enjoy."

Stairs of ice and rock form, leading up to the higher regions of the massive tree in the sky.

My teammates disappear into the growing fog above.

It's true. Based on the shielding that snake possesses, I could most likely defeat it from here if I really put my all into a shot.

My teammates may not get a chance like this again to face a unique Lower-Floor Boss. It seems to be just about their mana control level too, so this will be an excellent training opportunity for them.

I power down my skills, place my sword by my side, and cross my arms.

Lydia speaks up from my right side.

"All of you are much stronger than any of the reports mentioned."

I nod slowly and turn towards her, surprised she hasn't powered down her mana shedding yet to conserve energy and start drinking HP potions to counteract the poison. The white-haired mage has actually turned hers up.

A shimmering layer of mana covers her entire body, nearly visible to the naked eye It is so dense.

Under the gaze of my perception skill, it reveals itself to be more mana-rich than any shielding I've ever witnessed.

Looking past her, Fisher has his shielding up too. It's very powerful, and not wavering at all under the purple fog's growing presence.

Lydia speaks up again in my confusion.

"Powerful enough shielding can block any magic effects, whether it's a skill or a hidden buff. Mana control is the only thing that truly matters for Elites."

She pauses, tightening her gaze on me.

I'm standing in the fog with without a hint of shielding protecting my body, breathing in the poison without a care in the world, and using the ambient mana in the air to regenerate my MP bar.

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now