Chapter 241

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"These are all from mutants... every last one of them. This break is completely out of control!"

Ember replies in a cheerful, satisfied tone.

"Indeed, it is."

At the moment of his reply, I can feel the ground tremble and sense 10 monsters all over level 470 running our way.

Without thinking much of it, I shovel the hundreds of shards off the rocky ground into my item storage, then air-step up onto Ember's back.

Without my perception skills right now, I'd be as good as blind in this environment. All I can sense are fuzzy mana outlines of the creatures that are coming our way.

If I concentrate harder, their inner bodies are easy to picture.

Although it wouldn't affect me in battle much at all, especially in a dungeon. It's still a little unnerving not being able to see properly. I have to rely solely on my mana senses.

Either a being is there, or not there. That is the only reading I can pick up. White blobs of varying mana intensities begin to fill my vision as Ember flies up in the air.

He speaks through the link.

"Is this not what you wanted? I can absorb the mana in the surrounding area if you'd like."

I take a deep breath in.

Even if the air is this dense with energy, the oxygen that fills my lungs is not affected in the slightest.

It just feels like there's a slight pressure on my temples.

However, I'm not sure if that is a natural mana density property or just a side effect from the incredibly loud headache-inducing buzz that fills my ears.

I reply through our link while clenching my jaw and both fists.

"No, this is exactly what I wanted. You did well."

A powerful flap of the black-scaled dragon's wings sends us gliding off towards the back of the dungeon now, headed straight towards the boss room.

The charging Ogre's earth-shaking footsteps are left behind in the blue fog.

I take out extra food and water to replenish my body after a long sleep as we glide through the ominous buzzing dungeon's open air.

Ember replies once we stop rising in altitude.

"That's good to hear master. While you rested, I had my fun, but the real challenge is still ahead. You're about to face your first Rank 3 Boss Fight."

I stare forward into the never-ending blue fog.

"I know. I'm ready."

Ember knows more about monsters and mana control than I do by a long shot. The hint of concern in his voice turns to my concern as well... I just still can't wrap my head around a monster being that much stronger than the mobs we've been facing in the dungeon.

A ranked-up Mutant Dungeon Boss... I guess time will reveal its true strength.

Eventually, we soar into uncharted territory, the last 500 meters of open dungeon before the break that I haven't ventured through just yet.

The boss room portal comes into my perception skills radar, and it feels much more powerful than it did before.

Almost, unimaginably more powerful actually.

More and more mutants show up on my radar below as we fly closer.

At first, it's just under a dozen, like the group that started to attack us at the top of the last peak. Then, it turns into much more as groups begin to merge together.

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now