Chapter 350

792 67 5

The plumes of fire clear, and I jump backward, igniting myself with my own flames to play the part. It's a cool flashy power-up to hype the crowd, but also shows that I'm trying to mitigate the supposedly brutal attack that I just took head-on.

For the fun of it, now that I have a natural veil of dark red flames surrounding my body, I activate my newest bloodlust skill to see what improvements going from no grade to legendary grade provide.

The aura that envelops me is much darker red than the usual bloodlust buff, more so matching the darkness of my flames now. The surge of energy is not what I was expecting to feel at all either. The no-grade bloodlust skill used to give a 50% buff to speed, agility, and mental strength. Now when I look down to check my status, it says 125% buff on each of these options and a 50% natural perception buff is added as well.

I instantly feel like I just activated my final breath skill or my red hydra's rage buff, but immediately decide to turn it off because, in a matter of seconds, my MP bar almost falls down to half.

It is definitely an intense boost, but the cost is significant too. This arena isn't the place to test its potential.

I get up close to the High Orc by outpacing its movements and coming around to place a hand on its back.

In the same manner it attacked me, I plunder all of its MP to bring me nearly back up to full while blasting a wave of fire through its body and sending it flying backward in a similar fashion to the attack it just threw.

Moments before its lifeforce hits zero, I stop my attack and let the High Orc come running bakc at me while letting out a roar of pain and frustration.

In seconds, the intensity of my flames will burn it to ashes, but i want to have a final clash to put on a show for the crowd.

As our blades clang again, each of us releases a wave of flames at each other and I jump back for dramatic effect as the Orc is incinerated in the final blast. I fall backward and let the force of my own attack throw me to the floor. Leaving my own flames burning on my body for a matter of seconds before putting them out.

[Congratulations! 1.37x bet won on Fighter: The Flame Emperor]

[Your 6 Gold Base Bet has been returned to your account.]

[2.22 Gold Credits have been added to your account.]

[Stage 4 Fight Victory: Reward: 17.8950 Gold Credits]

[17.8950 Gold Credits have been added to your account.]

[Total Account balance: 26.4300 Gold]

[Use Absorption]

MCP: 12,966


[Use Absorption]

Skill: Swordsmanship

Upgrade: Legendary Grade


I choose yes on both, upgrading my swordsmanship, and my questions about upgrading my fire magic skill are answered too. The Advanced version of this skill is as high as legendary grade absorption will upgrade it too, for now.

The new skill upgrade is great, but the fact that I just made over 20 Gold Profit in a single match is the more exciting part of this string of notifications.

It looks like the crowd agrees with me too as they shake the arena, and the announcer continues to yell out in an excited tone as I give him the thumbs up to move on to the next round.

"Can you believe it? The Flame Emperor has taken a hit at point-blank range and retaliated back to finish off the High Orc with a taste of its own medicine. That begs the question, will he be able to defeat the level 481 Volcanic Salamander King? It's not everyday we get a fire wielder in the ring, so we're saving opponents like this for the special occasion."

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now