Chapter 311

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I hear my system notifications ringing in my head.

[Soul Bond: Complete]

[New Buff: Red Hydra's Rage]

[Body Double Attribute Transfer: Success]

Everyone is frozen in place.

Everyone but Abby. She concentrates on me with total focus and continues to pulse with green light.

My gaze follows her eyes, and I look down at my own body to see the dark red plumes of energy still swirling all around me. My veins glow bright red, and the thick clouds of residue continue to seep in through my chest. However, the pain is gone.

It's not burning my insides.

In fact, I don't feel different at all...

I was expecting to feel a huge uptick in my natural mana control, but the reminder that this energy was only absorbed and not expelled or refined is most likely why the effects haven't taken place.

I immediately open my status with the All-Seeing Eye activated and peer to the bottom of the screen.

Its text is glowing red, standing out on my light blue status screen.


Red Hydra's Rage

Info: This buff is a unique attribute gifted by a Divine Beast. It is limited to 7 individuals maximum per resurrection of the Red Hydra. It grants the user a 141% increase in all stats. Capabilities to absorb mana and the efficiency of one's mana control will increase 79% upon use.

This buff grows with the user possessing the soul bond. The percentage increases will rise as the user's level rises. Jumps in buff percentages may also rise with excessive use of this ability.

If the user has abilities that separate their mind from their body, the buff, and corresponding soul energy will be available wherever the bonded user's conscious state of being is the strongest.

Surplus battle instincts and abilities of the Red Hydra will be granted to the user in times of need.


The crimson glow of the text I read is both exciting and eerie. Its contrast on the light blue text screen stands out significantly from all my other skills, but with a quick use of conceal, I confirm even this can be hidden from sight if necessary.

A few lines of text pique my interest.

The rule about the buff following wherever the conscious mind goes is a very intriguing condition. It explains why the transfer to my real body was successful, yet the buff is still active on my copy here. I'm not quite sure how this will work, but I'm interested in doing some tests once I get the chance.

In the meantime, I'll need to test out how well the buff itself actually boosts my stats and mana control like it says. The 141% increase in base stats is great and all, but my Demon's Cores, as well as an assortment of gear and magic items, do the same thing. A 79% increase in mana control is the boost that really catches my eye.

A 79% boost is well over the expected 50 million MP. It's nearly double that actually... And there doesn't seem to be a time limit or cooldown visible in the description either. It means every point of new mana I refine is basically much more efficiently used while this buff is active.

As I grow more, the percentage will only go up. This is an extremely rare and powerful trait to have. My rate of growth will increase even faster.

If there are any downsides, now would be the time to find out.

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now