Chapter 252

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The 6 of us walk out into the rocky dungeon under the grey sky. Rolling brown hills and valleys fill our vision as far as the eye can see.

About 3km away, I can sense a few groups of monsters clumped together. Some even occasionally disappear from my radar.

The Solaran Hunters must be here fending off monsters waiting for our Labyrinth Ascent.

Lydia takes the lead and Fisher follows right behind her. I don't mind. This climb will be fast.

The fighting won't get serious enough for me to want to join in until far past the 20th Floor.

I follow, continuing to scan the environment around me and testing the limits of my newly enhanced mana control.

With plunderer, I'm able to instantly take MP from the ground beneath my feet, and even the air around me.

Mana is so abundant here, that I almost feel invincible.

My perception range has increased dramatically too. The entire dungeon is clear to me without overpowering my All-Seeing Eye one bit.

It may be a smaller dungeon, but I still would have had to re-up my MP bar with this much skill strain if I tried using this much perception ability even yesterday.

Each individual object is much clearer to me too. I can sense and track the swirling magic in every rock, monster, and mountain within the confines of these dungeon walls.

The closer it is to me, obviously the more detail I can perceive.

I see small traces of MP entering Lydia's body just like when I attempted to absorb mana from the mist upon leaving the treating capsule in the city. It seems she's constantly working on her skills and pushing the limits as well.

As for my combat skills, I won't have a chance to test them out anytime soon. Though, my teammates might.

Just 500 meters in, we come across a team of hunters fending off a group of mutant High Orcs.

They wear red robes, all have decent gear and solid combat skills. A team of 5 level 350-360s is taking on these level 370-380 Orcs without much problem. One of them has a major team strength buff skill so they're using it very strategically.

He's the one that calls out to us as we pass by in range.

"The Elites! Good to see you've made it. We have two other squads on this floor, and one more up on the 19th. Everything 20 and above is up to you power holders."

I raise an eyebrow at the "Power Holders" line. I haven't heard that one used before... Maybe he's referring to mana control users?

Fisher replies.

"Keep up the good work. We'll have this Labyrinth cleared before you know it!"

The hunter smiles, pushing out another golden wave of energy for his teammates as the Final Mutant High Orc is taken out.

They wave us off and search for more.

The further into the dungeon we travel, the more Orcs show up.

Without much effort at all, each of us is able to one-shot the creatures without batting an eye.

We pick up the pace and begin to run. After 40 minutes, and passing the two other groups keeping Orcs at bay, we mark it to the Boss Room.

It's a few shades darker grey than usual, but nothing too out of the ordinary. We enter immediately.

Maria and Abby slice the Boss into pieces without a moment's hesitation. The High Orc King falls to the Boss Room's rocky ground and we're all transported to the 19th Floor.

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now