Chapter 227

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"What have I gotten myself into this time..."

There are 6 white walls, including the ceiling and floor all around me buzzing with the strong sensation of high-grade mana shielding in the air.

My perception skills reveal the level of shielding to be more than enough to keep most C-Class monsters at bay.

It seems as though the outside is made of a strong metal alloy while the inside is coated in dense white mana shielding. It's similar to the kind used in the Vice City capital training rooms.

Well, the public ones.

"... how did I manage to get stuck inside one of these...?"

I walk over to one of the walls and begin banging on it with a fisted hand.

"Hey! Hello? Anybody there? I'm.... Kind of stuck inside here!"

The pounding sounds of my fist against the impenetrable shielding fade instantly not even leaving me with an echo. These are some hard walls...

No one replies. I can't hear anything but the low hum of mana now that I think about it...

I gulp, then begin to pace around the small white room in circles thinking about my options here.

It makes no sense as to why I'm in a box like this.

It's only been 2 hours a most since I left the city

Maybe it was some kind of weird linked dungeon that brought me back to the town center? Or... was I set up? Is this some kind of trap?

I activate my plunderer skill and begin sucking the MP out of the floor beneath my feet while fully activating my All-Seeing Eye to look through the walls around me.

The moment I do, I catch onto the faint sensation of magic items in my near vicinity.

Not many, and not strong ones, but there's definitely some mana-imbued gear lingering nearby.

A few cloaks, swords, and item boxes are moving slowly in the open area all around me.

I activate enemy detection too and find that all of the people around are between levels 275 and 330.

I mutter under my breath.


This was a setup.

All signs only point toward one person. I roll my eyes and reach into my item box to pull out my sword.

Using the excess mana from the shielding I'm standing on, I power up my own version of shielding using mana manipulation. I cover my entire blade in a thick pink layer of mana while coating my body in a thinner layer of it as well.

This may be overkill.

If my calculations are correct, none of the guards outside have a clue what mana control even is, but there's one that I'd like to teach a lesson.

One of their levels matches Issac's exactly... After activating Appraisal and doing a full sweep, his Fire Magic confirms his position as well. He's cowering behind them.

I grit my teeth and swing the mana-shielded blade at the dense white walls. It slices through like butter... not even making a sound, leaving the full wall entirely intact.

I hear the chatter of guards come through the white walls the instant the shielding is fractured.

A raspy voice fills my ears.

"It's only us four... we're the only ones that know about this Elite. The bounty on his head is all ours, we'll kill him the second we get a chance. He's a crafty one too, he can change his face to look like anyone... So don't let that fool ya!"

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now