Chapter 226

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I turn to see what the source of this overwhelming power is and my jaw drops at the sight of a full-blown demon with red horns, white eyes, dark skin, and pointed white teeth staring at me curiously.

Dense white mana shielding covers its bulging muscles and I see the thin black line on its forearm stretch all the way up its nice, shoulder, and curl onto its chest just like mine.

The monster doesn't have any armor or gear on other than tight black pants that hug its overly muscular legs.

It looks very similar to the Greater Demon I faced in the past. The only difference is this monster looks much more compact, more muscular, and possesses the ability to control mana at a much higher level.

Its skin is such a dark red color it almost looks jet-black. The creature's white eyes wander back and forth from me to Ember, to the dungeon behind us, then back to me.

Then, it speaks...

Breaking through my telepathic links defenses immediately, I hear the deep voice of the 3-meter-tall entity invade my mind.

"A demon and a dragon, what a lucky surprise."

Its eyes tighten on me like it's looking straight through my body.

I gulp as the monster continues.

"Now how did the two of you get all the way out here...?"

I don't say a word, cautiously gripping my sword tight by my side and activating Inspect and Appraisal.


[Lv. 450]

Active Items:


Active Skills:

Telepathy [Legendary Grade]

Body Double [Special Grade]

Dungeon Walker


No items and it has a skill I've never seen before. The other two are common demon skills, but... There's no core. Where is the Arch Demon's Core?

Ember stands up and begins to flicker with dark flames behind me. I put my left hand in the air as the Dragon stares down the demon in front of us.

"Wait... wait. Doesn't something feel off?"

Ember nods but keeps his eyes locked on the potential enemy.

The demon smirks and continues to talk through our link like nothing has changed.

"Oh come on, don't be like that. I haven't had anyone to talk to face-to-face in years. I abandoned my labyrinth too, can't you tell?"

The demon takes a step forward, showing off its pearly white teeth, and stares deep into my eyes while continuing to speak through our link.

"You're an odd one, aren't you? A shape-shifting perk? Well, it doesn't matter. Whatever helps you blend in while outside the dungeons is none of my business."

I look at the demon with a slightly confused look on my face, but pay close attention as it continues. I want to ask a million questions, but I'm better off just letting this monster continue doing the talking uninterrupted before it realizes what I really am.

It takes another step forward.

"I really have been getting tired of guarding that place. Only in this recent surge have I been able to open my links to the dungeons that were formed during my creation."

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now