Chapter 217

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The mutant boss peeks out from the bubbling lava pit that surrounds us. All that's visible are its bright red eyes, jagged white teeth, and scaly black skin.

The island we stand on rumbles and shifts.

Portions of the rocky floor begin to fracture and flood the island with even more molten rock. The cracks are inching closer, threatening to collapse the entire area we stand on at any given moment.

As I stare into the lurking monster's deep red eyes, I feel the intense waves of its intimidation skill running through my body.

Unlike its underlings, this Boss monster has what seems like hard-scaled skin. It's shiny and as black as the rocks we stand on.

I don't back down.

With a steady grip on my sword, I keep my mana shielding activated on full blast, with a veil of dark flames around my full body. I stare back at the beast, sending a wave of intimidation back at it.

The Boss lifts its head completely out from the lava. Molten rock drips from its mouth and rolls off its scales.

The monster looks terrifying. It wouldn't hesitate for a moment to end us if it gets the chance.

I haven't been this excited in a while...

The head of the beast keeps rising out from the pool of molten rock. Over 5 meters and still moving upward before it places its first front leg on the island with an earth-shaking stomp.

A long fracturing line of broken stone moves straight at us, it looks like it'll crack the entire island in two.

Thankfully, it stops about 20 meters from the monster's front leg, but another fracture appears once the monster lifts its second limb onto the island.

Glowing hot molten mass spews off in all directions and the massive Mutant Salamander lets out a roar. The deep bellowing sound it lets out followed by an ear-shattering shriek fills the air, echoing off the edges of the boss room and seemingly getting louder and louder.

It fully climbs onto the arena we stand to show off its full form. A 12-meter-long dark-as-night creature from hell, glowing with a murderous red aura. Its mouth leaks with hot molten rock and I can feel every step it takes as it sends shockwaves through the island floor.

Without a second to waste, the monster opens its mouth and spews an attack full of flames... or at least, what I thought were flames.

A long 3-meter wide beam of glowing dark red and orange light comes flying directly at us. As the wave of blood-red magic rockets toward us, I realize it's pure mana-imbued molten stone.

Also, it's very fast.

I turn, locking eyes with Maria and following her to my left side to jump out of the way and dodge.

Overwhelming heat fills my senses and my mana shielding is fried straight through the moment the massive beam of red-orange mass comes whizzing by.

The attack misses me by about 3 meters.

It was only for a fraction of a second, but my entire right arm, side, and back are covered in severe burns... Maria was much further from the blast, but her arm and leg are severely injured too.

Both of us fall to the floor, but quickly stand to get our footing again. We face the monster with no fear, about 60 meters away from us. Maria drinks an MP and HP potion while I heal my side and think of a plan.

I try to take a few steps forward, but the heat is too much.

Just when I thought it couldn't get any worse, I feel the ground shake... On the other side of the island, 6 more mutants between levels 385 and 400 appear.

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now