Chapter 224

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"Hey, let's let 'em in. We have some new break challengers today."

The second guard peeks his head around the corner of the box with a goofy grin across his face, making eye contact with me. This man is heavier set and has a body hardening skill, he's most likely a tank.

"Is that right? Are you all facing the mid-town break or the mountain break?"

His silly grin turns into a more serious look as he walks from his post to stand by the other guard's side.

I raise an eyebrow and respond.

"Well, what's the difference? All I know is one's worth more than double the gold to clear than the other."

Both of the guards turn to each other and can't help themselves from bursting into laughter. Eventually, they stop and the larger guard speaks up again.

"Let me see your status, I don't feel comfortable sending you off on a death mission. You better be over level 300."

I nod slowly, turning my concealed status towards the guard.

It shows a level 351 swordsman with various stat-boosting rings, but none of my actual powers.

His eyes widen as he reads everything allowed. Both of the guards become much more serious, then I reply.

"See, I'm not just messing around here. My teammates here are all at similar levels. Tell me about these breaks, we can handle it. Also, I'm smart enough to run away if I can't."

The guard that read my status allowed replies.

"Ya know what, you may be the kind of guy we need for that mountain break- I-"

His partner elbows him in the ribs, cutting him off.

"The mountain break is where those 4 casualties came from that I mentioned earlier. There's... also only been 4 challengers. No one that enters that break makes it out alive... we don't have much info on it."

The other guard speaks, after clearing his throat from being elbowed in the gut.

"Y-Yeah. Sorry, you just wanted info on both breaks. I can't tell ya much about that one. The one we're guarding here is an old Griffin Dungeon. It used to be the perfect training ground for our higher-level 200s hunters to break into the 300s after farming the boss, but now it's gone way out of control."

He lets out a long sigh.

"No one has dared to face the mutant boss, our teams of 5 have trouble with the regular dungeon-spawned mutants. They have some nasty wind magic... According to a few of the break experts, the Boss is rumored to be almost level 400..."

An audible gulp comes from the other guard as he agrees.

I nod slowly, thinking this information over my head for a few seconds, then respond.

"I'd like to talk this over with my partners for a moment."

I turn to Issac, motioning for him to come back over to my three teammates. They're still standing together with their faces covered.

Maria is the first to make a comment once I get closer.

"You want to go off and face that mountain break by yourself don't you?"

I let out a chuckle.

"You read my mind..."

I turn to look at the mountain range made of orange-red stone towering over the village for a moment then back to my team.

"You 3 handle this break, I want the one in the mountains. With a record of 4 attempts and 4 casualties... There's something fishy going on, and I want to figure out exactly what it is..."

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now