Chapter 305

682 69 1

I scan the crimson gems with every one of my perception skills as they float around the gorgeous woman until each of them rests gently on the display table at center stage.

[Red Hydra's Soulstone Fragment] x7

They don't bear the usual 'Essence Fragment' or 'Essence Shard' labeling, but 'Soulstone Fragment' instead. These are definitely much different than the magic stones I've seen before.

Clearly, in my appraisal skill's text boxes, two more readings catch my attention. The first is the 45 to 50 million MP stored in each one of these stones available to be absorbed, and the second is the line of text beneath it.

[Permanent Buff: Red Hydra's Rage]

There's no in-depth description or conditions to go along with it, I'm just left wondering what exactly these gems can do...

However, before I'm kept deep in thought for too long, the announcer's voice breaks my concentration.

"This bundle of items is truly unique. A batch of stones with its exact capabilities has never met the open market before and will most likely never meet the market again."

They sparkle under the spotlight, captivating the audience with their endless dazzling radiance.

I rethink the announcer's previous words.

He did say they were the final drop from the Sector 2 Labyrinth. If he really speaks the truth, this could be one of the special floor boss drops that is unique to every 20 floors. It could quite possibly be a one-of-a-kind item, never to be seen again.

This only makes me more curious about what the added buff can do.

My only problem will be if premium buyer number 1 is just as eager to find out as me.

The announcer continues.

"Now, the seller who brought this item in tonight declared they would not take less than 100 gold, so we'll start the bidding there. Based on our magic stone track record so far, I have a feeling this won't be an issue to match."

The gentleman on stage smiles brightly as the woman in the red dress walks over to stand by his side.

Meanwhile, the room goes silent.

I gulp while expecting the silver-masked man to make an outrageous bid.

However, for some reason, the bid never comes.

Whispers start to fill the room, and the joy-filled smile of the announcer starts to droop.

He gulps nervously but keeps a professional face while staring out at the crowd.

His eyes dart to the side as I decide to start the bidding myself, raising my paddle and stepping forward into the dim light.

He calls out immediately as I do, bringing the energy back to the room.

"That's what I like to see! 100 gold for premium buyer number 12! We'll be raising the bids by 10 gold for every offer from here on out."

The man in the silver mask steps forward and slowly raises his paddle in reply, and the announcer gets back into his groove.

"110 gold from buyer number 1!"

I retaliate with a grin to cover up my nerves while raising my paddle.

"120 gold for buyer number 12! 130... 140... 150 for buyer number 1!"

My stomach drops lower as the bids get higher.

So far, the good news is he didn't immediately bid over my budget and make it impossible for me to win.

Also, the man across from me takes longer to raise his paddle every time, leaving the crowd in silence before he does. I raise back immediately each time.

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now