Chapter 207

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"It has, four cores...."

My eyes adjust to the overly bright Boss Room light and see the readings my data collection skills have gathered.

The final boss is 100m meters away. It's level 443 and it has 4 cores, one of which is [Bonded].

I'm not entirely sure what this additional detail means, but I do know is we have a monster to defeat. This is our first of many Boss rooms that I'm looking forward to this week.

The 4 of us run forward into the blinding light ahead.

I speak up as the landscape comes into view.

"The boss is straight ahead, it has 4 cores! Let's split up and take each one of them out together from all sides!"

Abby and Maria run off to my left and right while Arie trails behind me to take the rear.

Even after my eyes adjust, the sky above is blindingly white, and the ground below my feet is made of dark orange rock and sand. There isn't a plant in sight. There are rolling hills and a few rock structures in the distance, but overall the room seems pretty plain.

This makes finding the Golem much easier.

The Boss Monster in question shows its face Immediately, growing up from the orange stone glow below I watch a towering 8-meter-tall beast materialize from the Dunegon floor.

The sound of rocks scraping together fills my ears and its lifeless eyes stare us down filled with a desire to kill.

I feel the air pressure shift all around us and the buzzing sensation of mana tickles my bones as an ear-shattering roar fills the room.

The massive humanoid creature, made entirely of stone charges forward leaving mountains of stone in its wake. With every step it takes, the monster absorbs more dungeon material and leaves excess behind.

I can clearly make out the 4 cores, even without my All Seeing eye activated.

There's one it is forehead glowing bright orange, and two on the back of each hand matching its hue.

The 4th one in its chest is much different than the others... It pulses light pink, emanating pure mana rather than the orange-imbued energy from the other 3.

This must be the [Bonded] core.

Seconds later, the monster is less than 20 meters away and readying its first attack. The Golem casts a dark shadow over us even from this distance.

I charge up my sword with a 1000MP strike. There's no reason to go easy on this beast, overkill is the best option.

With a swift swing of my sword, the black flaming crescent flies straight for its chest.

My teammates let out their mana-imbued strikes as well. Abby and Maria aim for the monster's palms while Arie takes a clear shot at its forehead.

As the monster takes its first right-handed swing at the 4 of us, our strikes make an impact with its body of stone.

Bright flashes of blue and green light expand quickly, and the sound of mana shielding being ripped to shreds fills my ears.

I watch my attack slice the main core straight in two without a problem, and Arie's arrow pierces its forehead too.

The massive beast crumbles to bits. Chunks of orange stone fly all over and I track its shattered cores with my All-Seeing Eye.

Each one of them is broken into hundreds of tiny pieces and the once-powerful Desert Golem Boss is no more.

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now