Chapter 276

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As my eyes adjust to the dim yellow light again after a long night of rest the metal door at the back of the room swings open.

The short-haired blond walks in with two new silver daggers on her thighs and a leather pouch over her shoulder that seems to be some variation of an item box. She sports a wide grin, showing off her annoyingly symmetric pearly white teeth.

The woman takes a few steps forward and then reaches into the item box to pull out a small wooden stool, a long leather whip, and a silver key. Next, she takes out a small brown box and a crystal clear bottle of water. The scent of spices and hot food fills the air, there must be food in that box.

She places all of the assorted items on top of the small stool similar to the one I sit on at the back of the room as the door slams shut.

The blond gets close, but far enough away this time that I won't be able to reach her with my forehead. She speaks while grabbing one of her knives and twirling it around.

"How was your night? Any trouble sleeping? I bet you're feeling more talkative today, aren't you?"

She smirks, but my eyes are more lively than yesterday after the great night of rest I just woke up from.

I reply, looking at her, then moving my gaze to all of the gear she brought in.

"Just fine. What's on the menu today?"

My mouth is dry and my stomach is empty, but oddly enough it's not as extreme as I would have expected. This may be a positive side effect of using a body double skill. These clones may need less food and water to exist than a regular person, I'm not positive yet.

She replies, ripping out both of the knives from the back of my palms with her free hand in one rough motion.

"If you cooperate, maybe you'll find out. It's all yours if you talk."

The blood-soaked blades hit the ground behind her with a clang and a splash. Crimson liquid starts to leak onto the table again as she's reopened my wounds.

"Now, where were we?"

The woman looks up at the ceiling and then back to me.

"What unique skill did that Demon have, and what element did its Dragon possess?"

She puts a foot up on the table and continues spinning her blade, then takes out her other one. My eyes gloss over and I just stare dully ahead while replying in a monotone voice.

"It's just going to be the same as yesterday isn't it."

She angrily reacts.

"Yeah, and worse is you keep that attitude."

She points the blades to my fingers.

"We'll do one nail for every hour you don't cooperate."

She turns to the pile of gear, pointing out the whip.

"Then move to more extreme measures if you still have nothing helpful to say."

I still don't budge. I'm unsure if the fact that I know nothing that happens to this body matters is the main component of my calm attitude right now, or if this woman is just imperfect at her job... Telling your captive exactly what you're going to do to them isn't exactly prime torture tactics.

Thinking about my situation even more, with a single release of Demonic Energy while she has her shielding activated, it would most likely be more than enough to take her out. However, if pushed hard enough she'll leak information of her own. Playing along for now may be beneficial.

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now