Chapter 266

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There isn't a single snowflake out of place in this vast whiteness.

It's a pure solid white.

I'm not even sure If I could make out that the structures in the distance as mountains unless portions of their cliff edges showed dark stone pointing up into the sky.

The sizzle of water being evaporated into steam is the only sound that reaches my ears. Everything else here is eerily silent.

Well, it's actually not that eerie, more like peaceful silence. I'm just on edge because I know what's waiting for me.

With each step forward, the snow beneath my feet continues to melt. I do find a glossy blue floor now far below to place my feet. It feels like ice but doesn't immediately sizzle away like the snow. This layer takes a few seconds to melt from my fire residue so I'm able to walk across it.

Using mana manipulation and wind magic to guide my steps, slipping around isn't an issue.

After a few seconds, I air-step into the sky and Ember follows.

My prescription skills are on full blast, but nothing is showing up on my radar yet again.

"Why do these Ranked-Up opponents always make me wait..."

I hear a reply as I hop on his back and we begin soaring toward the back of the Boss Room.

"Stay alert. It could be lurking anywhere. Even if it's been watching you this whole time, I doubt it'd show its face the moment we enter its lair."

I stay silent and follow the wise dragon's advice. We glide over the flatter portion of the landscape with ease, then arrive at a section of rolling hills.

Beyond these, there's a wide shallow crater of blue ice with little to no snow at all leading up to the base of the curved mountain range in the back.

The moment we cross over into the new section of dungeon, I feel a pulse of mana come out from the mountain.

It's pure, crisp, and cold. This is nothing at all like I'd expect from a demon.

Gritting my teeth, I stare forward and concentrate.

The top of the mountain begins to glow light blue filling the sky with its magical essence. It flashes, sending out another pulse mere seconds after the first.

Ember comes to a halt, hovering in mid-air a distance away from the mountain.

As the flash of white and blue light stops a transparent shimmering circle of energy has formed behind the mountain's peak. It's enormous and gives off a mana signature that I've never felt before.

It's mostly mana, but there's something about this ring that feels very offputting.

I can see the sky behind it, and the curved edges glimmer with silver and white light even after the flash but have become much dimmer now.

Ember's voice echoes in my mind.

"The Arch Demon's battle partner has come to greet us."

I clench my jaw and grip my sword.

"You were right."

As these words transfer over our link, we're interrupted.

A loud metallic twang and cracking noise come from the ring in the sky. It flashes silver, blue, and white again, sending out a final pulse much more bright and intense.

This is followed by a deafening screech that distorts into a vicious roar.

All I can see is snow from all the nearby mountains fall from their high points and tumble down in a mass avalanche.

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now