Chapter 388

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The two orange-robed figures stand in front of the same opening in the pyramid-shaped structure.

My initial plan was to walk in myself, and notify Monk that I'd be bringing company, but before I even get close enough to the fortress, a third head emerges from the dark hallway and the kind face motions for all of us to come in.

He holds up three fingers from deep inside the tunnel, then presses one to his lips.

I nod, understanding the message; all three of us approach without saying a word. I take the small silver container out of my item storage and into the inner part of my robe before we walk in, guessing the pills inside may be useful later.

Two light gasps escape from Maria and Abby's lips as they enter the mouth of the walkway. The absence of mana can be a surprise, and the disappearance of our concealment items is even more of a rush, even though I warned them and briefly described the experience back when we were training last night.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine."

Last time I entered here, I felt that abrupt drained feeling too, but this time walking in, I can feel the dense Qi stores seeping from the stone and floating in the air, already starting to gather into my body as I walk forward.

With an already full and nearly overflowing core of Qi, the high amounts in the air feel warm and soothing, like I'm walking around with an ultra lightweight heated feather blanket.

Monk leads us into the tunnel, still not saying a single word. He presses his hand against the back wall, and it glows white with Qi before all 4 of us walk through and it closes with a light click.

Monk turns to face me, nods, eyes Maria up and down, nods, then looks at Abby for longer than expected before turning back to me.

"I was expecting you to bring the ice user along, but who is this? Another soul energy user I suppose?"

I quickly respond.

"Yes, these are some of my teammates. Whoever my enemies may be, they will fight with me."

Monk doesn't speak for a few seconds but nods and continues down the spiraling staircase, motioning us to follow.

"This is good, I will teach them too. We've already been spotted together, so there's no turning back now. If they learn Qi control half as fast as you, they will be forces to be reckoned with in a matter of days."

I smirk inwardly and follow, hearing sighs of relief come from both Abby and Maria's mouths as they follow close behind me.

We walk through the cafeteria, and many younger men in robes greet Monk as we pass, but very quickly we make it to the same training room I practiced in last time I came.

Monk stands in the open black-tiled room, while the three of us stand near the table and gear station, listening to what he has to say.

"First of all, I'd like to congratulate you on your match against the Ghoul last night. I watched very closely. It seems you only need to roughly double your base of Qi stores to break through its soul energy."

He crosses his arms.

"At the normal rate of a natural cultivator's Qi gathering, if you sit down and start now, you'll achieve that in just 50 years."

My eyes widen as he starts to laugh.

"I'm messing with you. I can tell you've leveled up quite a bit even since the last time we met, and your mana control has increased drastically as well. This kind of progression is not normal."

I nod as he continues.

"Although it doesn't directly contribute to your Qi base, having a stronger body, and more experience controlling powerful energy allows the user to refine and gather their Qi faster."

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ