Chapter 243

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"You're right, it does have a weakness. It looks like we have an in."

Ember's dark flames that once engulfed the round blue sphere of mana begin to dissolve inwards. I watch the entire structure shrink. There are small explosions and it lets off white arcs of light similar to miniature sun flares.

It's not much, but it definitely shrinks... We can work this that.

"Again. Fire at it again."

My continuous mana output is nowhere near what Ember can produce, so I'll have to leave this part to him.


The glossy black-scaled majestic dragon flaps its wings slowly as we glide closer to the Boss again. A dense black and red plume of flames shoots down at the dormant monster to cover the entire structure once again.

Cries from newly spawned monsters can be heard while waiting for the sea of flames to clear.

The outer layer shrinks a minuscule amount yet again.

Blue mana residue takes in the flames, giving off a light buzz and flashes of light that sound like fireworks.

The blue and white magic residue disappears into thin air but the barrier's mass slowly grows back the moment it's destroyed.

I smirk as Ember lets another attack go.


Over and over, we spawn-kill the mutant mobs that come running out from the orb. As they dissolve, dozens of shards begin to pile up on the arena floor. I pay little mind to this, solely focusing on the diameter of the orb that has now shrunk almost half a meter after just a dozen attacks.

Still, there's no movement coming from within, and the barrier itself is still being replenished by the cloud of blue mana-imbued fog that flows up the mountain from the original dungeon.

Ember glows bright red, slowly plundering MP from the environment around him to fuel his attacks.

If I'm seeing this right, the moment Ember lets up, this Ogre's entire defense will be restored in just a few seconds...

We continue to circle the Boss, 20-30 meters up in the air.


I charge up my blade, harnessing the mana residue around me to charge my blade over a full MP bar. There's over 3000MP ready to fire off. At this density and newfound power from all my level-ups, it will be the most devastating attack I've ever thrown.

It takes nearly half a minute, but I'm waiting for the perfect time to strike.

Black flames continue to rain down, tampering with the Ogre's defenses as I take aim for the perfect shot.

I can sense that the shield has been weakened now to under half of its normal thickness, so I let my attack fly. With a powerful thrust, the black crescent of flames plummets down toward the mediating Mountain King.

There's a loud twang of dispersing mana in the air as my blade cuts a deep hole right through the already-damaged blue orb.

As the fiery blade enters the structure, one of the Ogre King's hands twitches and an eye opens wide staring through the clouds of mana to look directly at me. It shines a deep blue hue.

Time feels like it slows for a moment, then Ember swoops upwards avoiding the debris from my strike breaking the barrier.

In the blink of an eye, the mutant grabs both of his axes and swings them upwards to block my attack.

Its speed and instant readiness are astonishing. With reflexes like those, it may be faster than me.

A loud cracking sound echoes throughout the entire dungeon as my attack hits both of its axes. A loud grunt comes from below as it's deflected to the side, but still manages to land a hit on the Ogre's upper arm.

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now