Chapter 277

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"Rise and Shine. Today's the day you spill it."

The woman comes in with her usual food, water, and torture weapons wanting to know more about the Demon and the Dragon I fought. She's much more straight-faced today and doesn't fold under any of my initial questions or tauntings.

I lose a lot of blood from deep lashes and she even tries cutting my fingers rather than just the nails.

Her newest method is a torch soaked with a flammable substance that she continuously uses to poke and prod me while asking questions. I don't even flinch from the heat so she stops this after just a few hours.

My month-long training sessions of solitude and battles with ruthless monsters have been much worse than this. I can handle a few cuts and burns from a human. My physical appearance on the other hand tells a different story.

This only works in my favor.

The woman's cooler demeanor flips back to the same hint of rage I witnessed yesterday.

"What's with you? Is this information really that valuable that you'd rather die than give it away?"

Instead of my usual silent or dull generic one-word answers, I decide to entertain her now. Last time she was in this state she leaked much more than intended.

The woman tightens her lips while taking a step back.

I respond with a smug look on my face.

"Is the information that important that you'd waste days down here instead of killing me?"

I get another angry lash across the chest as her eyes glimmer with rage.

"I'd face a worse fate than you if you died before giving me any information."

Then another.


She keeps yelling.

"You're just a nut case. It's been 3 days since you had any food or water and you're mutilated beyoing repair yet you're smiling like you have the upper hand here."

I cough and spit out blood showing her the grin that she despises.

"So you can't kill me until I talk? That's good to know."


Her face goes red again and any hopes of a conversation dwindle.

Another long day of torture continues.

However, I'm not sure who's in a worse position.

A few more hours pass before she's had her fill of action. The anger, frustration, and rage have turned into maniacal laughs while she continues using every torture trick in the book.

My questions and taunts aren't getting through to her anymore, she doesn't reply with anything meaningful. She just keeps asking the same questions in response.

A few hours later, the blond tires out and begins to pack up to leave. Before doing so, she force-feeds me half a bottle of water, then walks out the door with a final line.

"That's so you don't die overnight. You were correct. I can't kill you until I get what I need, but you'll wish I could."

The metal door slams closed and I begin my Demonic Energy Manipulation training almost immediately.

I don't have a status screen that gives me the exact amount of Energy I'm wielding, so to make things simple today I decided to name each individual wisp of energy as "1 Unit of Demonic Energy". They're all roughly the same size, so it makes things simple.

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now