Chapter 381

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I continue to stare down at the floor, pondering what to say back to Lith's offer.

Then, I turn to Maria, and she speaks in a soft tone while still holding onto my left arm from earlier in the meeting.

"Whatever your decision is, I'll follow it."

I nod in response.

"I know. I just need some more time to think about this...."

At all this news, and life-changing decisions that have been thrown at me all of a sudden, I almost feel sick to my stomach.

I turn back to Lith.

"I'd like to train in the high-grade dungeons you mentioned you had access to. A good workout and training session would be enough to clear my mind and think things through."

He smiles back at me and stands from his seat.

"Very well. Seems reasonable to me."

He turns to Maria.

"You can show him to the dungeon access portal; I'm sure both of you have a lot to talk about."


Before Maria can respond, the white wall behind us opens up, and an elevator door swings open to let out a green-haired woman emitting an impressive aura.

I turn my head at the sound and appraise a level 604 hunter with healing and earth magic, then see the much more matured face and athletic body of Abby, my other teammate.

As my eyes meet hers, the corner of her lips turns up into a smile.

"Look who decided to finally wake up out of their early grave."

She practically skips out from the elevator door and comes over to the couch, placing a hand on on both Maria's and my back, glowing with a faint green light.

Simultaneously, I feel all the leftover fatigue from my fight in the arena go away, and hear Abby speak again.

"I watched both your matches on the big screen downstairs, now I'm itching to try out my chances at fighting one of those monsters in the 7th stage too."

She laughs, then comes around to the other side of the couch to greet us.

Lith stands up from his desk and looks at me before walking toward the elevator himself.

"Well, enjoy. Jay, consider my offer and enjoy the amenities for the time being. I do hope we get the chance to work together soon. I have a busy day tomorrow, so I'm going to take a quick dip in the isolation pods before the sun comes up."

There's a click and a ding, followed by the elevator going down.

I wonder what he's talking about but assume it's just some more fancy tech. I'm more focused on the arrival of another one of my teammates.

After a short greeting, it's clear my mind is in turmoil, and Abby points to the door Lith just left through.

"I just finished up a training session, but I'd like to come and watch the two of you if you're planning on a late-night dungeon dive. Maybe I'll even go for round 2."

I nod.

"Yes. Bring me there."

All 3 of us board the elevator, and it flies downward faster than it went up.

Any normal human would be scared out of their minds and most definitely break a few bones on impact when the floor stops. I brace myself and don't say anything, but Abby chuckles at my small facial reactions.

[CH200+ Continued] Dungeon Diver: Stealing A Monster's PowerWhere stories live. Discover now